by Dr Cyprian Mendonca MD FRCA (Author), Dr Shyam Balasubramanian MD FRCA (Author)
The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a highly reliable and valid tool for the evaluation of trainees in anesthesia. It enables examiners and trainers to assess a number of competencies in an organised way. Performance in the OSCE is considered to be a fair reflection of the level of knowledge and skill attained during anesthesia training. Apart from having a wide and deep knowledge on the subject, trainees are expected to have the capacity to demonstrate their competency in a short period of time allotted for each station. The authors of this book have a rich experience in successfully conducting OSCE courses in the United Kingdom.
The sample OSCE sets in the book closely simulate the style and content of the Royal College of Anesthetists’ examination format. The book contains 100 OSCE stations with answers based on key practical procedures, clinical skills, communication skills, data interpretation, anesthetic equipment and the management of critical incidents on a simulator.
This book will also help candidates all over the world to pass highly competitive postgraduate examinations in anesthesia. It is an invaluable educational resource for all anesthetists.
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