Oxford Handbook of Pain Management (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 1st Edition


Oxford Handbook of Pain Management (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 1st Edition

by Peter Brook (Author), Tony Pickering (Author), Jayne Connell (Author)

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by Peter Brook (Author), Tony Pickering (Author), Jayne Connell (Author)

The Oxford Handbook of Pain Management is the essential resource for all clinicians involved in the management of pain. Organised into sections dealing with basic principles
of treatment, therapeutic interventions, including non-medical management of pain, and specific clinical situations, the Handbook emphasises the multimodal treatment options
available for patients with pain conditions and brings them together to provide a truly biopsychosocial approach to management. Covering both chronic and acute pain, it will
help the practitioner to choose the right treatment for the right patient at the right time.

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