Endocrine Board Review 12th Edition


Endocrine Board Review 12th Edition

by Serge a Jabbour (Author)

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by Serge a Jabbour (Author)

Endocrine Board Review (EBR) 12th Edition, Reference Edition 2020 is a board examination preparation book designed for endocrine fellows who have completed or are nearing
completion of their fellowship and are preparing to sit for the board certification exam, and for practicing endocrinologists in search of a comprehensive self-assessment of
endocrinology, either to prepare for recertification or to update their practice. EBR consists of approximately 240 case-based, American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)
style, multiple-choice questions. Each section follows the ABIM Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Certification Examination blueprint, covering the breadth and depth
of the certification and recertification examinations. Each case is discussed in detail with comprehensive answer explanations and references provided. CME, MOC, online
module not included. Updated annually.

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