Multiple Choice Questions for the Nephrology Specialty Certificate Exam: Best of 5 questions for renal exam revision
Michael Reschen
This book contains about 50 multiple choice questions designed to prepare you for the UK renal specialty certificate exam. The majority of the questions are in best of 5 format and cover a broad range of the renal syllabus. Each question has detailed answers explaining the rationale for the correct answer compared with the other answer options. The questions are based on the author's experience of having sat the exam, trained in Nephrology in the UK and obtained a certificate of completion of nephrology in the UK. The author trained in Oxford where there is a substantial transplant unit which is reflected in numerous questions that unpick complicated areas of transplant medicine. The author has painstakingly created the questions to match the difficulty level of the exam and match the type of questions wherever possible. In particular, the real exam features best of 5 questions where the question is usually, ' What is the most likely' - i.e. to give an affirmative answer rather than what is the least likely (Please note that the first few questions in the free kindle sample are not representative of this). The vast majority of questions are in the 'MOST LIKELY' out of the 5 different options to better reflect the real exam. To further refine the questions some of them were tested on a blog page to elicit user feedback which was overwhelmingly positive. However, this book contains mainly novel content. A book containing 50 questions cannot attempt to cover the entire syllabus and additional resources will be required to study for the exam. Nevertheless, this book will give a substantial boost to any candidate and highlight neglected areas of study.
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