Opthalmology Books
Books Hub PK offers an extensive range of ophthalmology books, providing an invaluable resource for students, medical professionals, and specialists in the field of eye care.
These Opthalmology Books cover a broad spectrum of topics, including eye anatomy, common vision disorders, diagnostic methods, and advanced surgical techniques. Whether you’re preparing for exams, enhancing your clinical skills, or seeking to stay up-to-date with the latest developments, the ophthalmology books at Books Hub PK serve as a key tool for anyone looking to excel in the field. With comprehensive coverage and expert insights, these ophthalmology books are essential for anyone pursuing a successful career in eye health.
- Sale!Ramays Review of FCPS 1 Ophthalmology Dr Asif Ramay 2nd EditionComplete reveiw of snell ocular anatomyPast Papers of Ophthalmology (Till November 2021)Important points from Frank & Newell John Feris and Past Papers
Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology 4th Edition
The fourth edition of Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology provides a practical, systematic synopsis of ophthalmic disease diagnosis, assessment, and management encouraging a holistic, multidisciplinary approach to the patient. Fully updated with the new treatments across a range of specialties such as SMILE, gene-therapy and retinal prostheses, this handbook provides access to the ophthalmic online media bank, a high-quality collection of specially-selected color images and videos to aid the reader’s understanding, and reflects the latest guidelines and emerging therapies, with greater emphasis on the evidence underlying these developments.- Sale!Out of stock
The Smart Touch Series Smart Ophthalmology - 2nd Edition
Dr Kamran Little Bit About this Title1 Brief & Comprehensive Text 2 Understandable, Retainble & Conceptual Style 3 Smart Key Points & Menmonics 4 Over > 500 Bcqs 5 Over 300 Valuable Images 6 Osce Of High-yield Topics - Sale!Clinical Ophthalmology Text & Atlas Jatoi EyeSixth Edition Shafi M. JatoiClinical Ophthalmology-Text & Atlas is particularly designed for undergraduate students to help them understand this complex field. This new edition comes up with the details of recent advances in diagnosis and management of various eye diseases and it almost covers the entire curriculum of Opthalmology for undergraduate medical studies. Key Features of 6th Edition: Revision of each chapter to keep abreast with newer concepts and principles of investigation, treatment, and surgical procedures in various eye diseases. Addition of new topics in chapters on Cornea, Uvea, Retina, Strabismus, Glaucoma, Optic nerve, Pupil, Orbit, Ocular injuries, and Strabismus. Included over 580 photographs in chapters and color plates to highlight and augment understanding of diseases. New chapter on systemic drugs with ocular side effects. A lucid step-by-step account of important surgical procedures to build proper concepts.
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Kanskis Clinical Ophthalmology A Systematic Approach 9th Ed Original Pakistani Edition
Kanskis Clinical Ophthalmology A Systematic Approach 9th Ed, Through eight outstanding editions, Kanski’s Clinical Ophthalmology has been the classic specialty textbook, providing the perfect ophthalmology foundation for trainees and a valuable reference source for experienced practitioners. Building on the previous edition by Dr. Brad Bowling, Dr. John Salmon from Oxford University has comprehensively revised the textbook. The 9th Edition retains Dr. Kanski’s highly effective format of succinct text and visually dynamic presentation, providing authoritative, focused guidance on the diagnosis and management of ophthalmic disorders. Extremely well organized and comprehensive in scope, this visually stunning book reflects the latest advances in the field, facilitating quick comprehension to enhance learning, aid exam preparation and guide clinical practice. As a general ophthalmic textbook, this is the gold standard.- Uses targeted text, bulleted lists, tables, and visual aids to highlight salient points across all ophthalmology subspecialties.
- Includes 2,600 illustrations, including more than 1,000 new images of common and rare conditions and arrows to show the exact pathology.
- Features detailed updates on new therapeutic interventions for neurological disease and ocular tumours; new imaging techniques such as OCT, OCT angiography, and MRI; and new topics such as circadian rhythms, graft vs host disease and the effects of Ebola virus infection on the eye.
- Presents examination techniques in a new, separate chapter and contains new "tips" on key issues in every chapter.
- Provides up-to-date information on hot topics such as intravitreal treatment with anti-VEGF agents for macular disease, genetic advances in hereditary retinal dystrophies, the use of biological agents in the treatment of uveitis and scleritis and new surgical advances such as MIGS for glaucoma and limbal stem cell grafting.
Product details
- Publisher : Elsevier; 9th edition (December 27, 2019)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 956 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0702077119
- ISBN-13 : 978-0702077111
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The Smart Touch Series Smart Ophthalmology - 2nd Edition
Dr Kamran Little? Bit About this Title1 Brief & Comprehensive Text 2 Understandable, Retainble & Conceptual Style 3 Smart Key Points & Menmonics 4 Over > 500 Bcqs 5 Over 300 Valuable Images 6 Osce Of High-yield Topics - Sale!by M.D. Wilson, Fred M., II (Editor), M.D. Blomquist, Preston H. (Editor)Ophthalmology residents are faced with learning a highly complex subspecialty; proper training and education are critical to their success. This new edition of Practical Ophthalmology is part of a suite of Academy textbooks for ophthalmology residents and trainees that will help them build a solid foundation of clinical and surgical knowledge. They are written and edited by leading residency program directors and are powerful tools for mastering needed skills.This updated essential text helps ophthalmology residents gain confidence while becoming a skilled practitioner. Highlights include coverage of a thorough ophthalmic examination, discussion of ophthalmic emergencies and common ocular medications. Stepwise instructions for 57 specific examination and testing techniques are available for quick access. The "Pitfalls and Pointers" sections present tips for avoiding or resolving common problems.You can buy this product at Books Hub PK Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
- Sale!Glaucoma (Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology - Wills Eye Institute) 2nd Editionby M.D. Rhee, Douglas J. (Editor)You can buy this product at Books Hub PK Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
- Sale!Dr Agarwals' Textbook on Corneal Topographyby Amar Agarwal (Editor), Bonnie an Henderson (Foreword)Brand New International Paper-back Edition Same as per description, **Economy edition, May have been printed in Asia with cover stating Not for sale in US. Legal to use despite any disclaimer on cover. Save Money. Contact us for any queries. Best Customer Support! All Orders shipped with Tracking NumberYou can buy this product at Books Hub PK Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
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The Smart Touch Series Smart Ophthalmology - 2nd Edition
Dr Kamran Little? Bit About this Title1 Brief & Comprehensive Text 2 Understandable, Retainble & Conceptual Style 3 Smart Key Points & Menmonics 4 Over > 500 Bcqs 5 Over 300 Valuable Images 6 Osce Of High-yield Topics - Sale!Basic and Clinical Science Course Ophthalmology BCSC Fundamentals and Principles of OphthalmologyYou can buy this product at Books Hub PK Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
- Sale!Basic and Clinical Science Course Ophthalmology BCSC External Disease and CorneaYou can buy this product at Books Hub PK Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
- Sale!Review Questions in Ophthalmology Third Editionby Kenneth C. Chern MD (Editor), Michael A. Saidel MD (Editor)You can buy this product at Books Hub PK Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
- Sale!Albert and Jakobiec's Principles and Practice of Ophthalmologyby Daniel M. Albert (Editor), Joan W. Miller (Editor), Dimitri T. Azar (Editor), Lucy H. Young (Editor)Keeping up to date with advances in comprehensive ophthalmology and in the ophthalmic sub-specialties is extremely difficult because of the accelerating rapidity with which new information and technology become available and the diminishing time and opportunity for practitioners and trainees to read and learn. The first edition of Albert and Jakobiec?s Principles and Practice (1994) was conceived with the idea of utilizing an electronic, updated version in which the chapters were revised by the chapter authors on an annual or semi-annual basis, but the technology was not sufficiently advanced to achieve this goal. Subsequent editions (2000 and 2008) were organized by Saunders and the last published by Elsevier (of which Springer has obtained the complete rights to move forward with the 4th edition).For nearly three decades, this text has provided its readers with authoritative and comprehensive coverage of clinical ophthalmology, written and edited by a group of authors who represented a ?Who?s Who? in ophthalmology. By using Springer?s Meteor platform, with its ability to allow authors and editors access to updating their chapters online annually/semi-annually, and with the recruitment of select chapter authors, this work?s usefulness as the standard text in ophthalmology will be maintained and expanded upon by Springer. The 4th edition of this comprehensive and authoritative text is written by hundreds of the most distinguished authorities from around the world and edited by four leaders in the field, providing today's best answers to every question that arises in ophthalmology practice. Richly illustrated with thousands of high quality, full color, clinically-relevant images, Albert and Jakobiec's Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology, 4th Edition covers every scientific and clinical principle in ophthalmology, ensuring that the reader will always be able to find the guidance needed to diagnose and manage patients' ocular problems and meet today's standards of care. Written for practicing ophthalmologists and trainees, this book delivers in-depth guidance on new diagnostic approaches, operative techniques, and treatment options, as well as coherent explanations of new scientific concept and its clinical importance. The 4th edition will prove to be the source every practicing clinician needs to efficiently and confidently overcome any clinical challenge they may face.Updates include new chapters on anterior and posterior segment diseases, as well as chapters more focused on treatment, plus thousands of new, high-quality, color images and illustrations, updated references, and information on the most cutting-edge technology used by clinicians in their practices today. Additionally, readers will enjoy the same, user-friendly, full-color design they remember from the previous edition, complete with many at-a-glance summary tables, algorithms, boxes, and diagrams that allow the reader to locate the assistance needed more rapidly than ever.You can buy this product at Books Hub PK Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.