- Sale!By S. M. HANEEFTextbook of Paediatrics is a publication of Pakistan Paediatric Association (PPA), which is the sole representative body of all the postgraduate qualified child specialists in Pakistan. It was founded in 1965 with a clear mission to achieve optimum health, growth and development of the children of Pakistan, irrespective of their diversified backgrounds and promote their protection from vaccine preventable diseases, child abuse and neglect. PPA is committed to espouse research in the field of child health and further the continued professional development of the paediatricians. It publishes a quarterly Pakistan Pediatrics Journal, Textbook of Paediatrics, other books related to specialties, newsletters and policy papers.You can buy this product at Books Hub PK Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
- Sale!The Harriet Lane Handbook The Johns Hopkins Hospital 23rd EdEvery three years, The Harriet Lane Handbook is carefully updated by residents, edited by chief residents, and reviewed by expert faculty at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Easy to use, concise, and complete, this essential manual keeps you current with new guidelines, practice parameters, pharmacology, and more. The 23rd Edition of this portable reference continues to be the #1 source of pediatric point-of-care clinical information for pediatric residents, students, nurses, and all healthcare professionals who treat young patients.
- Trusted for more than 65 years for fast, accurate information on pediatric diagnosis and treatment.
- Updated and expanded content includes an all-new chapter on Psychiatry, plus reorganized information on Emergency and Critical Care Management, as well as Traumatic Injuries.
- The popular Pediatric Drug Formulary, updated by Carlton K. K. Lee, PharmD, MPH, provides the latest in pharmacologic treatment of pediatric patients.
- Outline format ensures you’ll find information quickly and easily, even in the most demanding circumstances.
- ISBN-10: 0323674070
- ISBN-13: 978-0323674072
- publisher Paramount
- Sale!The Harriet Lane Handbook The Johns Hopkins Hospital 22nd Ed byEvery three years, The Harriet Lane Handbook is carefully updated by residents, edited by chief residents, and reviewed by expert faculty at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Easy to use, concise, and complete, this essential manual keeps you current with new guidelines, practice parameters, pharmacology, and more. The 22nd Edition of this portable reference continues to be the #1 source of pediatric point-of-care clinical information for pediatric residents, students, nurses, and all healthcare professionals who treat young patients.
- Trusted for more than 65 years for fast, accurate information on pediatric diagnosis and treatment.
- Updated and expanded content includes an all-new chapter on Psychiatry, plus reorganized information on Emergency and Critical Care Management, as well as Traumatic Injuries.
- The popular Pediatric Drug Formulary, updated by Carlton K. K. Lee, PharmD, MPH, provides the latest in pharmacologic treatment of pediatric patients.
- Outline format ensures you’ll find information quickly and easily, even in the most demanding circumstances.
- ISBN-10: 0323674070
- ISBN-13: 978-0323674072
- publisher Paramount
- Sale!UHS MCQs Up To Date Peadiatrics for Final Year MBBS is now Available at Books Hub Pakistan, We deal in all kinds of Medical books, Exams Qbank, Audio/Video CDs and DVDs.
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Basic Clinical Pediatrics
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Easy Paediatrics 1st Edition
by Rachel Sidwell (Editor), Mike Thomson (Editor)
Written by the same author team as the successful and well-regarded Concise Paediatrics for postgraduates, Easy Paediatrics is a textbook specifically written for medical students.
Easy Paediatrics is structured in a systems-based fashion, with additional chapters on subjects such as history and examination, development, genetics, emergencies and surgery. The material is presented logically with presentations, clinical findings, investigations and management options, and useful boxes covering differential diagnoses, causes and complications are also included to complete the picture.
Clinical photographs and illustrative diagrams are provided throughout to help the student visualise what they are reading about, and the book is enhanced by a companion website, which contains OSCE-style clinical scenarios and MCQs for all the body systems, so the reader can test what they have learned.
Presented in an easy-to-remember style, Easy Paediatrics gives the medical student everything they need to succeed in their paediatrics modules, without bombarding them with excess knowledge that will not be covered in their exams.
You can buy this product at books Hub PK books Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
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Practical Pediatric Therapy
Mohammed El-Naggar
Therapy or management means more than just prescribing medications. It is a process of toal patient care that entails several aspects as drugs, diet, activity as well as the patient's psychology. Certainly, care of parents is an integral part of therapy. Occasionally, kind explanation, continous support and reassurance are the main lines of therapy.
This book is essentially designed for general practioners and junior pediatricians and it provides the basic required knowlodge for those dealing with sick children. In the first part of this book (Drug therapy), the essential pharmacological data of the commonly used drugs, indications for use, main side effects as well as the available preparations with their trade names are mentioned. The emergency medications are gathered in the first few pages of this part to serve as quick guide in emergency situations. In the second part pf the book (Practical management), the commonly encountered problems are discussed systematically according to the involved system, with several practical examples of management.
You can buy this product at books Hub PK books Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
- Sale!Short Atlas of PediatricsBy Mohammed El-NaggarYou can buy this product at books Hub PK books Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.