Pakistan And Islamiat StudiesBooks
Books Hub PK presents a comprehensive collection of Pakistan and Islamiat studies books, specially curated for students and individuals interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the rich history, culture, and religion of Pakistan and Islam.
These books cover a vast range of topics, including the historical evolution of Pakistan, the struggle for independence, the political landscape, and the development of the nation. In addition, the Islamiat studies books focus on the teachings of Islam, including the Quran, Hadith, Islamic ethics, jurisprudence, and the contributions of Islamic civilization to global culture.
Whether you’re preparing for academic exams, enhancing your knowledge of Pakistan’s history, or exploring the profound teachings of Islam, the Pakistan and Islamiat studies books at Books Hub PK offer comprehensive resources. These books provide in-depth information, critical analysis, and expert perspectives, making them invaluable for anyone seeking to excel in these essential subjects.
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Begging, Street Politics and Power (Routledge Studies in Religion)
Begging, Street Politics and Power explores the complex phenomenon of begging in the context of two different religions and societies in South Asia. Focusing on India and Pakistan, the book provides an in-depth examination of the religious and secular laws regulating begging along with discussion of the power dynamics involved. Drawing on textual analysis and qualitative field research, the chapters consider the notion of charity within Hinduism and Islam, the transaction of giving and receiving, and the political structures at play in the locations studied. The book engages with the conflicting compassionate and criminal sides of begging and reveals some of the commonalities and differences in religion and society within South Asia. It will be of interest to scholars working across the fields of religious studies, social science, law and Asian studies.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Seeking Supremacy (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society)
The emergence of the judiciary as an assertive and confrontational center of power has been the most consequential new feature of Pakistan's political system. This book maps out the evolution of the relationship between the judiciary and military in Pakistan, explaining why Pakistan's high courts shifted from loyal deference to the military to open competition, and confrontation, with military and civilian institutions. Yasser Kureshi demonstrates that a shift in the audiences shaping judicial preferences explains the emergence of the judiciary as an assertive power center. As the judiciary gradually embraced less deferential institutional preferences, a shift in judicial preferences took place and the judiciary sought to play a more expansive and authoritative political role. Using this audience-based approach, Kureshi roots the judiciary in its political, social and institutional context, and develops a generalizable framework that can explain variation and change in judicial-military relations around the world.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Ibn Taymiyya and the Attributes of God (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science: Texts and Studies, 125)
In Ibn Taymiyya and the Attributes of God, Farid Suleiman offers a comprehensive study of Ibn Taymiyya’s views on God and His attributes, contextualizing his position within the century-old debates on this fraught theological issue.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Navigating Language in the Early Islamic World: Multilingualism and Language Change in the First Centuries of Islam
Traditional accounts of Arabicization have often favoured linear narratives of language change instead of delving into the diversity of peoples, processes, and languages that informed the fate of Arabic in the early Islamic world. Using a wide range of case studies from the caliphal centres at Damascus and Baghdad to the provinces of Arabia, Egypt, Armenia, and Central Asia, Navigating Language reconsiders these prevailing narratives by analysing language change in different regions of the early Islamic world through the lens of multilingualism and language change. This volume complicates the story of Arabic by building on the work of scholars in Late Antiquity who have abundantly demonstrated the benefits of embracing multilingualism as a heuristic framework. The three main themes include imperial strategies of language use, the participation of local elites in the process of language change, and the encounters between languages on the page, in the markets, and at work. This volume brings together historians and art historians working on the interplay of Arabic and other languages during the early Islamic period to provide a critical resource and reference tool for students and scholars of the cultural and social history of language in the Near East and beyond.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Building Bridges: Ignaz Goldziher and His Correspondents; Islamic and Jewish Studies Around the Turn of the Twentieth Century (Islamic History and Civilization, 212)
The scholarship of Ignaz Goldziher (1850-1921), one of the founders of Islamic studies in Europe, has not ceased to be in the focus of interest since his death. This volume addresses aspects of Goldziher's intellectual trajectory together with the history of Islamic and Jewish studies as reflected in the letters exchanged between Goldziher and his peers from various countries that are preserved in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and elsewhere. The thirteen contributions deal with hitherto unexplored aspects of the correspondence addressing issues that are crucial to our understanding of the formative period of these disciplines.Contributors: Camilla Adang, Hans-Jürgen Becker, Kinga Dévényi, Sebastian Günther, Máté Hidvégi Livnat Holtzman, Amit Levy, Miriam Ovadia, Dóra Pataricza, Christoph Rauch, Valentina Sagaria Rossi, Sabine Schmidtke, Jan Thiele, Samuel Thrope, Tamás Turán, Maxim Yosefi, Dora Zsom.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Negotiating Homosexuality in Islam: A Legal-Hermeneutical Examination of Modern Shi’i Discourse
The present book is a study of the discursive spaces on homosexuality in modern Shi?i legal scholarship It offers a scholarly assessment of the Shi?i legal-hermeneutical vectors demarcating the space between the two poles of prohibition and acceptance of homosexuality.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Female Religiosity in Central Asia: Sufi Leaders in the Persianate World
Through revealing the fascinating story of the Sufi master Aghā-yi Buzurg and her path to becoming the 'Great Lady' in sixteenth-century Bukhara, Aziza Shanazarova invites readers into the little-known world of female religious authority in early modern Islamic Central Asia, revealing a far more multifaceted gender history than previously supposed. Pointing towards new ways of mapping female religious authority onto the landscapes of early modern Muslim narratives, this book serves as an intervention into the debate on the history of women and religion that views gender as a historical phenomenon and construct, challenging narratives of the relationship between gender and age in Islamic discourse of the period. Shanazarova draws on previously unknown primary sources to bring attention to a rich world of female religiosity involving communal leadership, competition for spiritual superiority, and negotiation with the political elite that transforms our understanding of women's history in early modern Central Asia.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
The Woman Question in Islamic Studies
Despite remarkable shifts in the demographics of Islamic studies in recent decades, the field continues to be dominated by men, who often relegate other scholars and their work—particularly research on gender—to its periphery, while treating subfields in which men predominate as more rigorous and central. In The Woman Question in Islamic Studies, Kecia Ali explores the interconnected ways that sexism functions in academic Islamic studies. Examining publications, citations, curricula, and media representations, Ali finds that, despite the growth and depth of scholarship on Islam and gender, men continue to overlook women’s scholarship, even in work that purports to discuss gender issues. Moreover, media and social media dynamics make talking about Islam and Muslims for broader audiences especially fraught for scholars who are not men, particularly when the topic is gender or sexuality.Combining broad surveys with more focused analyses of a smaller set of texts, Ali shows that textbooks and syllabi continue to exclude women as historical actors and scholars and to marginalize gender and sexuality as subject matter. Finally, she provides a “Beginner’s Guide to Eradicating Sexism in Islamic Studies," offering practical strategies to help scholars avoid common pitfalls in their own work and contribute to broader professional transformations.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Heidegger, Ontology, and the Destiny of Islam: Thoughts and Reflections on the Nature of Islam in the World (Lexington Studies in Islamic Thought)
Heidegger, Ontology, and the Destiny of Islam: Thoughts and Reflections on the Nature of Islam in the World critiques Islam as a phenomenon set into motion from its beginning. It is a reflective work that addresses difficult questions about Islam through familiar historical concerns and grapples with the issues that arise in that process. Notably, it attests to making no substantive claims about Muslims and instead keeps to the course of analysis of the phenomenon that is Islam, which is taken as an assessable entity rather than a categorical construct. Understood largely in light of a history of observable realities, the ontological analysis of Islam reveals the general acquaintance with it to be imperfect. This suggests the reality of Islam is based on a primal truth that is only partially seen. The analysis then confronts two problems: firstly, that Islam is not what its historical “story,” as it were, proclaims and, secondly, that Islam is therefore not what is traditionally made out of the surviving historical narratives. It is not a question of “what” Islam is, but more critically, “how” Islam appears in the world.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Philosophy, History and Political Thought in Islam: Essays in Memory of Massimo Campanini (Gorgias Islamic Studies)
A collection of essays in memory of Massimo Campanini, celebrating the scope of his work, approach, and methodology in his career as a researcher of Arabic-Islamic history, Islamic philosophy, and Islamic political thought. A collection of essays in memory of Massimo Campanini, celebrating the scope of his work, approach, and methodology in his career as a researcher of Arabic-Islamic history, Islamic philosophy, and Islamic political thought.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Iranian Kurdistan Under the Islamic Republic: Change, Revolution, and Resistance (Kurdish Studies)
In this study, Marouf Cabi shines a spotlight on the modern history of Iranian Kurdistan – an area of Greater Kurdistan understudied in comparison to its regions in Syria and Iraq. The book provides a historical narrative and analysis of Kurdistan since the Revolution. It addresses key changes and events in detail, such as the participation of the Kurds in the Revolution, the reinvigoration of the Kurdish movements and the emergence of the women's movement, the armed struggle of the 1980s, socioeconomic and political change of the 1990s, and the emergence of civil society since 2000. Cabi draws on extensive primary sources, including oral history, various newspapers, journals, and books published during the period.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Tawātur in Islamic Thought: Transmission, Certitude and Orthodoxy
Tawātur is the concept that information yields certainty if acquired through a sufficient number of independent channels. Tawātur in Islamic Thought is an attempt to unravel the twisted historical threads of the conception and usage of tawātur across diverse Islamic disciplines, in light of both Western academia and debates within Muslim scholarship.In the process, numerous salient questions in Islamic thought are tackled, such as epistemic certitude, scholarly consensus (ijmāʿ), and the rationalism–traditionalism relationship. The study culminates in the question of the extent to which tawātur was used by Muslim scholars to define the boundaries of Islam and of orthodoxy.Tawātur in Islamic Thought shows that the majority voices in Muslim scholarship, across sectarian boundaries, reached a steady-state conception of a two-tiered orthodoxy, corresponding to two tiers of tawātur―an outer tier that includes all who affirm a definitive kernel of Islam and an inner tier that is more exclusive.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Science of the Soul in Ibn Sina’s Pointers and Reminders: A Philological Study (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science: Texts and Studies, 122)
In Science of the Soul in Ibn Sīnā's Pointers and Reminders, Michael A. Rapoport provides a philological and interpretive guide for critically reading and interpreting Ibn Sīnā's (Avicenna, d. 1037) most challenging and influential text. Rapoport argues that chapters VII-X of the Pointers present scientific explanations for phenomena related to the human soul - from intellection to divination, magic, and marvels - within the framework of Ibn Sīnā's Metaphysics of the Rational Soul. This book dispels widespread notions that the Pointers represents Ibn Sīnā's mystical or Sufi philosophy and therefore stands apart from the rest of his corpus.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Islamic Identity and Development after the Ottomans: The Arab Middle East (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics)
Exploring themes of identity and development in the post-Ottoman Arab world, this book updates the author’s earlier Islamic Identity and Development (Routledge, 1990) to analyse the root causes of chaos, civil war, and conflict in the Islamic Core today.Adopting a neo-Ottomanist framework, and using the latest scholarship on the Middle East, the author traces the historical development of the current crisis to the First World War, when the West instigated invasions, coup d’états, civil and proxy wars. It is argued that Western powers have facilitated the dispossession of the Arab people in their overarching aim to gain control of the oil fields. A range of historical case-studies are provided as evidence, from the Balfour Declaration and the Sykes-Picot Agreement to the creation of Israel and the displacement of Islamic refugees. Individual nations are also analysed, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Egypt. Ultimately, the author suggests that artificial countries and unsustainable frontiers are the root causes of the Islamic crisis. However, a realistic (and long-term) solution may lie in the evolution of a new Silk Route Economy.This book will appeal to graduate-level students in political economy, area studies, international affairs, and Middle East studies generally.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
America and the Production of Islamic Truth in Uganda (Routledge Studies on Religion in Africa and the Diaspora)
This book investigates the ways in which the war on terror has transformed the postcolonial state in Africa. Taking American intervention in Islamic education in Uganda as the entry point, the book demonstrates how state control over Islamic truth production and everyday Muslim life has increased.During the colonial period, the Muslims in Uganda were governed in two ways: partly as lesser citizens within the Christian-dominated civil sphere and partly as members of a distinct Muslim domain. In this domain, a local system of Islamic education developed with a degree of autonomy that reflected the limits of the colonial state in shaping the Muslim subject. In the subsequent postcolonial period, systems of patronage and clientalistic networks dominated, and Muslim leaders were co-opted by the state, but without much real interference in the day-to-day lives of ordinary Muslims. However, as part of the war on terror, the US State Department seeks to bring the mechanisms of Islamic truth production, especially the madrasa, under direct state control and civil society scrutiny. This book argues that the "Muslim domain as a separate entity is coming to an end as it is being absorbed into the civil sphere, unifying the state’s domination of society." The book also analyzes local Ugandan Muslim initiatives to modernise and contextualize their own education and religion and how these initiatives are shaped by and transcend the dominant power.A thorough exploration of US foreign policy and Islamic education, this book will be of interest to students and scholars in the fields of Political Studies, African Studies and Religious Studies.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Food Security, Affordable Housing, and Poverty: An Islamic Finance Perspective (Palgrave Studies in Islamic Banking, Finance, and Economics
This book is the product of an attempt to look differently at the issue of poverty, along with food security and affordable housing. There is a tendency in conventional economics and finance literature to be apologetic when dealing with globally prevailing and unfair economic and financial systems. Islamic economics and finance academia is not immune from this tendency. The book aims to raise awareness about the root causes and suggests novel proposals that will lead to sustainable solutions. It is based on the understanding that if we continue doing more of the same things, we cannot expect to produce different results.This book is also premised on the understanding that the financial sector can promote economic progress only if it channels capital to the most productive use while avoiding moral hazard and adverse selection. The issue of collateral taking promotes a situation where financial institutions prefer to lend only too big-to-fail structures for shelter and food sectors that fuel poverty and inequality. This adverse selection ultimately gives rise to food security and affordable housing issues. This indicates that financial liberalization is not the solution to dealing with poverty and inequality. Instead, strong policy initiatives and financial regulations to direct capital to provide long-term sustainability are needed.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Narratives of Dislocation in the Arab World: Rewriting Ghurba (Routledge Advances in Middle East and Islamic Studies)
This monograph explores and investigates narratives of physical, psychological, and emotional dislocation that take place within the Arab world, approaching them as manifestations of the Arabic word ghurba, or estrangement, as a feeling and state of being.Distancing itself from the centrality of the “West” in postcolonial and Arabic literary studies, the book explores experiences of migration, displacement and cosmopolitanism that do not directly ensue from the encounter with Europe or the European other. Covering texts from the Levant, Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula and beyond from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, the book grounds narratives of dislocation in the political, social and cultural structures that affect the everyday lived experiences of individuals and communities.An analysis of Arabic, Turkish and English texts – encompassing fiction, memoirs and translations – highlights less visible narratives of ghurba, specifically amongst ethnic minorities and religious communities. Ultimately, the chapters contribute to a picture of the Arab world as a place of ghurba where mobile and immobile subjects, foreigners and local inhabitants alike, encounter alienation.Bringing together a diverse range of academic perspectives, the book will be of interest to students and scholars in postcolonial and comparative literary studies, history, and Arabic and Middle East studies.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Studies in Islamic Traditions and Literature (Variorum Collected Studies)
A collection of articles and studies discussing early Islamic tenets and beliefs based on Islamic traditions and literature. A number of studies appear for the first time in English. The topics dealt with relate to the Islamic prostration in ritual prayer, Islamic traditions which are discussed through the analysis of hadith literature and reports and narratives related to the literary genre of the qiṣaṣ al-anbiyā' (Stories of the Prophets). The readers of this collection of essays are scholars and students of early Islam, of the development hadith literature and of the narratives on Islamic prophets; all together the studies bring to light the dynamics between the formation of early traditions and their role in the origin and developments of Islamic literature.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
‘Pre-Islamic Survivals’ in Muslim Central Asia: Tsarist, Soviet and Post-Soviet Ethnography in World Historical Perspective (Islam and Global Studies)
The book traces the conceptual lens of historical-cultural ‘survivals’ from the late 19th-century theories of E.B. Tylor, James Frazer, and others, in debate with monotheistic ‘degenerationists’ and Protestant anti-Catholic polemicists, back to its origins in Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions as well as later more secularized forms in the German Enlightenment and Romanticist movements. These historical sources, particularly the ‘dual faith’ tradition of Russian Orthodoxy, significantly shaped both Tsarist and later Soviet ethnography of Muslim Central Asia, helping guide and justify their respective religious missionary, social-legal, political and other imperial agendas. They continue impacting post-Soviet historiography in complex and debated ways.Drawing from European, Central Asian, Middle Eastern and world history, the fields of ethnography and anthropology, as well as Christian and Islamic studies, the volume contributes to scholarship on ‘syncretism’ and‘conversion’, definitions of Islam, history as identity and heritage, and more. It is situated within a broader global historical frame, addressing debates over ‘pre-Islamic Survivals’ among Turkish and Iranian as well as Egyptian, North African Berber, Black African and South Asian Muslim Peoples while critiquing the legacy of the Geertzian ‘cultural turn’ within Western post-colonialist scholarship in relation to diverging trends of historiography in the post-World War Two era.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
From the Divine to the Human: Contemporary Islamic Thinkers on Evil, Suffering, and the Global Pandemic
Featuring the work of leading contemporary Muslim philosophers and theologians, this book grapples with various forms of evil and suffering in the world today, from COVID-19 and issues in climate change to problems in palliative care and human vulnerability.Rather than walking down well-trodden paths in philosophy of religion which often address questions of evil and suffering by focusing on divine attributes and the God-world relationship, this volume offers another path of inquiry by focusing on human vulnerability, potential, and resilience. Addressing both the theoretical and practical dimensions of the question of evil, topics range from the transformative power of love, virtue ethics in Sufism and the necessity of suffering, to the spiritual significance of the body and Islamic perspectives on embodiment. In doing so, the contributors propose new perspectives based on various pre-modern and contemporary materials that can enrich the emerging field of the global philosophy of religion, thereby radically transforming contemporary debates on the nature of evil and suffering.The book will appeal to researchers in a variety of disciplines, including Islamic philosophy, religious studies, Sufism, and theology.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Medieval Syria and the Onset of the Crusades: The Political World of Bilad al-Sham 1050-1128
Between 1050 and 1128 the nomadic Seljuq Turks and European Crusaders subjected northern Syria to a series of invasions from the east and west. The migration of militant peoples from the Eurasian Steppe and Western Europe inserted a new set of political elites into a complex frontier zone already beset by numerous conflicts fought along several ethno-cultural and religious contours. Surveying this turbulent chapter of Syrian history from multiple perspectives, this book recalibrates the underlying power dynamics of the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries. Through this regional focus, it reassesses both the impact that the establishment of Turkish and Crusader lordships had upon bilad al-sham (Greater Syria) and the reactions of Syria’s established ruling elite to this unprecedented sequence of events. Providing a unique reinterpretation of the political situation in bilad al-sham during one of the most important periods in Middle Eastern history, this book proposes a new model for understanding the political dynasties of this period and questions the significance ascribed to the establishment of the Crusader States by modern historians.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
The Rise of Critical Islam: 10th-13th Century Legal Debate (OXFORD ISLAMIC LEGAL STUDIES SERIES)
In a richly narrated historical study, Youcef Soufi excavates an Islamic legal culture of critique from the 10th to 13th centuries. Focusing on the practice of munāẓara (disputation), Soufi explores how and why oral debates became a pervasive and revered part of the intellectual legal landscape of Iraq and Persia. Using the life and career of celebrated Iraqi jurist Abū Isḥāq al-Shīrāzī, he traces the formalization of debate gatherings at the dawn of the classical legal schools (al-madhāhib) in the early 10th century and analyzes the wider institutional, social, and discursive conditions that made debate an important feature of any jurist's practice.Pushing back against claims that classical Muslim jurists sought to weed out differences of opinion, The Rise of Critical Islam presents a community committed to the openness, fluidity, and continued exploration of the law. Challenging the view of debate gatherings simply as mechanisms of doctrinal resolution before codification, the study reveals a classical culture where critical debates were part of a continual and personal quest to discover God's law. In uncovering this classical legal culture, Soufi invites readers to question claims about the promise of secular critique in disciplining religious passions and forging human solidarity.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Colonizing Palestine: The Zionist Left and the Making of the Palestinian Nakba
Among the most progressive of Zionist settlement movements, Hashomer Hatzair proclaimed a brotherly stance on Zionist-Palestinian relations. Until the tumultuous end of the British Mandate, movement settlers voiced support for a binational Jewish-Arab state and officially opposed mass displacement of Palestinians. But, Hashomer Hatzair colonies were also active participants in the process that ultimately transformed large portions of Palestine into sovereign Jewish territory. Areej Sabbagh-Khoury investigates this ostensible dissonance, tracing how three colonies gained control of land and their engagement with Palestinian inhabitants on the edges of the Jezreel Valley/Marj Ibn 'Amer. Based on extensive empirical research in local colony and national archives, Colonizing Palestine offers a microhistory of frontier interactions between Zionist settlers and indigenous Palestinians within the British imperial field. Even as left-wing kibbutzim of Hashomer Hatzair helped lay the groundwork for settler colonial Jewish sovereignty, its settlers did not conceal the prior existence of the Palestinian villages and their displacement, which became the subject of enduring debate in the kibbutzim. Juxtaposing history and memory, examining events in their actual time and as they were later remembered, Sabbagh-Khoury demonstrates that the dispossession and replacement of the Palestinians in 1948 was not a singular catastrophe, but rather a protracted process instituted over decades. Colonizing Palestine traces social and political mechanisms by which forms of hierarchy, violence, and supremacy that endure into the present were gradually created.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
The Quran. Key Word Distribution and Lexical Associations by Sura: Adjectives, Nouns, Proper Nouns and Verbs Volume 15
The aim with the present series, The Quran: Key Word Distribution and Lexical Associations by Sura, is to present key data related to the lexicon of the Quran, in terms of Key Word distribution and lexical associations as attested in each sura.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
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