Pathology Books
Books Hub PK offers an extensive selection of pathology books, tailored for medical students, healthcare professionals, and researchers eager to explore the intricacies of disease mechanisms.
These pathology books encompass a wide range of subjects, including disease processes, laboratory diagnostics, histopathology, and molecular pathology, providing both foundational knowledge and advanced concepts. Whether you’re preparing for examinations or aiming to enhance your diagnostic capabilities, the pathology books at Books Hub PK serve as crucial tools, equipping you with comprehensive insights and expert guidance to excel in the field of pathology.
- Sale!The subject of Pathology is based on the morphologies and student usually finds it difficult to grip them all. This book is written in comprehensive way to cover all the morphologies and grip the concepts in a shorter period of time. The book is helpful for pathologists and students of medicine and allied as well to have a quick one hour review on all morphologies and diagnostic points.
- Sale!Basic Pathology - 10th Edition(For M.B.B.S Student's Up To Point Requirement's)Robbins Basic Pathology provides a well-illustrated, seamlessly readable and concise overview of the principles of the human pathology in an ideal way and enhances your medical experience.° Schematic diagrams and new artwork summarizes the key pathological processes.° Robbins Basic Pathology highlights pathogenesis, morphology and pathophysiology of the human body throughout the book.
- Sale!Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease - 9th Edition Richard N Mitchell MD PhD (Author), Vinay Kumar MBBS MD FRCPath (Author), Abul K. Abbas MBBS (Author), Jon C. Aster MD PhD (Author)ISBN-13: 978-1455754168 ISBN-10: 1455754161This pocket companion offers rapid, portable access to the most important pathology facts and concepts from Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th Edition. It distills the key concepts and principles of pathology into a condensed, at-a-glance format, making it the perfect pocket-sized reference for quick review anytime!
- Access key concepts and principles of pathology in a condensed, at-a-glance format that fits in your pocket.
- Locate additional information with abundant page references to the parent text.
- Student Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book as well as new materials (outlined above) designed to produce a more rounded learning experience.
- Review for in-course exams and the USMLE Step 1 with content that highlights the most important material in the current edition Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease.
- Easily find information with help from a format that closely follows the Table of Contents from the current edition of the parent text.
- Sale!Kaplan USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes 2016: PathologyISBN 9781506200453The only official Kaplan Lecture Notes for USMLE Step 1 available for sale! Get the comprehensive information you need to ace USMLE Step 1 and match into the residency of your choice.? Up-to-date: Updated annually by Kaplan?s all-star faculty ? Integrated: Packed with clinical correlations and bridges between disciplines ? Learner-efficient: Organized in outline format with high-yield summary boxes ? Trusted: Used by thousands of students each year to succeed on USMLE Step 1
- Sale!Pathology PreTest Self-Assessment and Review 13th Edition ISBN: 9780071623490Great for course review and the USMLE Step 1, Pathology: PreTest asks the right questions so you?ll know the right answers. You?ll find 500 clinical-vignette style questions and answers along with complete explanations of correct and incorrect answers. The content has been reviewed by students who recently passed their exams, so you know you are studying the most relevant and up-to-date material possible. No other study guide targets what you really need to know in order to pass like PreTest!Content that covers all the must-know topics:High-Yield Facts, General Pathology, Cardiovascular System, Hematology, Respiratory System, Head and Neck, Gastrointestinal System, Urinary System, Reproductive Systems, Endrocrine System, Skin, Musculoskeletal System, Nervous System
- Sale!BRS Pathology (Board Review Series) 5th Edition ISBN: 9781451115871This revised fifth edition is an excellent pathology review for students preparing for the USMLE Step 1 and course examinations. Written in the popular Board Review Series outline format, this text covers general and basic pathology, major concepts of disease processes, and systemic pathology that surveys the principal disorders of each organ system through concise descriptions and full-color illustrations. USMLE-style questions at the end of each chapter emphasize board-relevant information and allow for self-testing to confirm strengths and uncover areas of weakness. Plus, the comprehensive exam at the end of the book is a great prep tool for the actual exam!You will also discover: - Full-color design, illustrations, and tables summarize information for convenient review - Over 450 USMLE-style questions, answers, and rationales both electronically and in print to reinforce your pathology review - Key topic icons help focus your study - Correlation boxes emphasize connections between pathology and clinical medicine - A FREE companion website with access to the E-book, image bank, and an interactive question bank featuring all the questions from the book for engaging, effective test preparation!
- Sale!Oral Pathology Clinical Pathologic Correlations - 7th Edition (Matte Finish) Joseph A. Regezi DDDiagnose oral diseases quickly and accurately! Oral Pathology: Clinical Pathologic Correlations, 7th Edition presents diseases and conditions by appearance and presentation, so that you can easily identify and plan treatment for common oral and paraoral problems. An atlas-style overview of pathologic conditions opens the book, and then each chapter describes pathologies in detail ― depicting each with full-color clinical photos and photomicrographs. In addition to covering the latest advances in oral pathology, this edition includes new radiographic images demonstrating advanced imaging techniques. Expert educators Joseph Regezi, James Sciubba, and Richard Jordan provide a quick reference that’s ideal for the lab, NBDE review, or chairside use!Organization of oral and maxillofacial diseases by clinical appearance ― such as red-blue lesions or pigmented lesions ― matches what you would expect to see upon a patient’s presentation, and provides a practical tool for developing differential diagnoses and planning treatment. Nearly 1,000 full-color clinical photographs, photomicrographs, radiographs, and drawings help you learn to identify lesions and disease states. An atlas-style Clinical Overview section makes it easy to find key information, with one page showing clinical photos of common conditions and the facing page listing symptoms, causes, and significance.ISBN-10: 0323297684 ISBN-13: 978-0323297684
- Sale!Osmosis Cardivascular pathology Notes Now Available In Exclusive Colored Version In 3 digits price Little Bit About This Products Complete your studying for USMLE, COMLEX, NCLEX, and PANCE with New Osmosis It offers concise descriptions, full-color images and tables, and extra-wide margins for note-taking. Each condition, like the sample Acute Coronary Syndromes, is clearly separated into pathology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment sections, so you can quickly identify exactly what you need to remember. Don’t study it, Osmose it!
- Sale!Cardiovascular Pathology - The Perfect Preparation for USMLE Step 1Carlo RajLearn cardiovascular pathology online and get the most out of your study time!Lecturio’s integrated cardiovascular pathology course held by MD Carlo Raj will not only equip you with knowledge about the most important diseases related to the cardiovascular system,but also builds bridges to related medical sciences, providing you with the deepest understanding of all cardiovascular pathology topics. We are convinced that learning cardiovascular pathology has never been so inspirational, comprehensive and fun.Upon completion of this course you will be able to easily answer all pathology questions regarding cardiovascular diseases; a hugely important attribute, because cardiovascular pathology is one of the central topics covered in the USMLE Step 1 exam.
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Firdaus Review Of General Pathology - 15th Edition
Dr M Firdaus - Sale!Textbook of Pathology by Harsh Mohan - 7th Edition Harsh MohanISBN-13: 978-9351523697 ISBN-10: 9351523691The seventh edition of the renowned Textbook of Pathology, by Harsh Mohan, has been fully revised to provide the most up to date information on the latest developments in the field. Divided into three sections - General Pathology, Haematology and Lymphoreticular Tissues, and Systemic Pathology - the new edition covers numerous diseases, their causes, mechanisms, pathophysiology, classification, morphology, and clinical aspects. Each topic concludes with a summary of key points and features illustrative images, diagrams and tables. Most chapters include a clinical case related to the topic, presenting its history and findings, finishing with important questions which are answered in the Appendix section. The textbook is accompanied by a revised free booklet Pathology Quick Review and MCQs' (9789351523703), to help pathology trainees prepare for examinations. Key points Fully revised, new edition of renowned Textbook of Pathology Presents clinical cases and questions and answers for each topic Includes free booklet Pathology Quick Review and MCQs' (9789351523703) Previous edition published in 2010
- Sale!Gross Pathology Handbook: A Guide to Descriptive Terms Christopher Horn MSc (Author), Christopher Naugler MD FRCPC (Author)ISBN-13: 978-1550595680 ISBN-10: 1550595687This highly practical guide helps pathology professionals quickly and accurately describe surgical and autopsy specimens as they perform gross dissection. It helps clinicians and medical students interpret pathology reports easily and exactly. Gross Pathology Handbook provides a comprehensive list of 166 gross descriptive terms paired with images of gross specimens. Each listing includes a brief commentary describing the gross appearance, the underlying disease process and commonly affected tissues.
- Sale!Oral Pathology Clinical Pathologic Correlations - 7th Edition (Off-Set) Joseph A. Regezi DDDiagnose oral diseases quickly and accurately! Oral Pathology: Clinical Pathologic Correlations, 7th Edition presents diseases and conditions by appearance and presentation, so that you can easily identify and plan treatment for common oral and paraoral problems. An atlas-style overview of pathologic conditions opens the book, and then each chapter describes pathologies in detail ― depicting each with full-color clinical photos and photomicrographs. In addition to covering the latest advances in oral pathology, this edition includes new radiographic images demonstrating advanced imaging techniques. Expert educators Joseph Regezi, James Sciubba, and Richard Jordan provide a quick reference that’s ideal for the lab, NBDE review, or chairside use!Organization of oral and maxillofacial diseases by clinical appearance ― such as red-blue lesions or pigmented lesions ― matches what you would expect to see upon a patient’s presentation, and provides a practical tool for developing differential diagnoses and planning treatment. Nearly 1,000 full-color clinical photographs, photomicrographs, radiographs, and drawings help you learn to identify lesions and disease states. An atlas-style Clinical Overview section makes it easy to find key information, with one page showing clinical photos of common conditions and the facing page listing symptoms, causes, and significance.ISBN-10: 0323297684 ISBN-13: 978-0323297684
- Sale!Robbins Essential Pathology 1st Edition 2020By Dr Vinay KumarThe newest addition to the highly regarded Robbins family of pathology references, Robbins Essential Pathology is a concise resource that covers the core knowledge needed for coursework and exams in an integrated, multimedia format designed for today's students. Ideal for use with an integrated medical curriculum, this easy-to-study multimedia package provides reliable Robbins content in a concentrated, highly efficient format, now fully integrated with interactive digital resources (cases, MCQs, images). Efficient, effective, and up to date, this new Robbins learning resource delivers the essential information you need to obtain a strong scientific foundation in pathology.
- The most concise Robbins text available, providing high-quality content and a case-based approach in a focused, multimedia learning package for coursework and exam preparation.
- Focuses on the core knowledge of disease mechanisms and essential clinical aspects that medical students need to know.
- Features more than 500 images and tables that illustrate key disorders and concepts.
- Includes Student Consult access which features the full contents of the book, plus exclusive integrated digital learning tools :
- Interactive cases and images that reinforce clinical application of core concepts
- Therapy boxes that describe new advances in medical therapeutics and support your transition to practice
- Self-assessment questions to help you evaluate your progress, with links to the Essentials text
- Searchable glossary of terms
- ISBN-10: 0323640257
- ISBN-13: 978-0323640251
- Sale!MCQ's Cracks 3rd Year MBBS 2nd EditionMedical Globe is the platform of teaching the students of different medical professionals . They have launched a series to crack the undergraduation exams . This book is contains all the past mcqs solved with references and explanations for third year mbbs and 2nd year dpt students.
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