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Grit By Angela Duckworth
Drawing on her own powerful story as the daughter of a scientist who frequently noted her lack of “genius,” Duckworth, now a celebrated researcher and professor, describes her early eye-opening stints in teaching, business consulting, and neuroscience, which led to the hypothesis that what really drives success is not “genius” but a unique combination of passion and long-term perseverance.In Grit, she takes readers into the field to visit cadets struggling through their first days at West Point, teachers working in some of the toughest schools, and young finalists in the National Spelling Bee. She also mines fascinating insights from history and shows what can be gleaned from modern experiments in peak performance. Finally, she shares what she’s learned from interviewing dozens of high achievers—from JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon to New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff to Seattle Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll.Among Grit’s most valuable insights:*Why any effort you make ultimately counts twice toward your goal *How grit can be learned, regardless of I.Q. or circumstances *How lifelong interest is triggered *How much of optimal practice is suffering and how much ecstasy *Which is better for your child—a warm embrace or high standards *The magic of the Hard Thing RuleWinningly personal, insightful, and even life-changing, Grit is a book about what goes through your head when you fall down, and how that—not talent or luck—makes all the difference.\Product details
- Publisher : Scribner; 1st edition (May 3, 2016)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 352 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1501111108
- ISBN-13 : 978-1501111105
- Item Weight : 2.31 pounds
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Guftagu By Qasim Ali Shah
Guftagu By Qasim Ali Shah is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kinds of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books, and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get them delivered to your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now. Guria Ghar By Mumtaz Mufti
Mumtaz Mufti is the author of the book Guria Ghar It is a collection of fourteen short stories (Afsanay) and describes the life and house of a doll ( Guria). At first, these stories were published in Dastango, a famous Urdu magazine. Later it was released in traditional book form. The author describes many human characters and issues frequently.Guria Ghar By Mumtaz Mufti is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kinds of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books, and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get them delivered to your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now.- Sale!
by Nemrah ahmed"The word Haalim is an Arabic word and it means “A Dreamer”. It’s a long novel with episodes and each episode will have a separate title. Its the most different and unique thing I have ever written, or has ever been written in Khawateen Digest."Haalim by Nemrah ahmed is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kind of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get it delivered at your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now. - Sale!
Haalim Part 2
by nemrah ahmed"The word Haalim is an Arabic word and it means “A Dreamer”. It’s a long novel with episodes and each episode will have a separate title.Haalim 2 by nemrah ahmed is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kind of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get it delivered at your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now. - Sale!
Hadees e Dil
by ABU YAHYAHadees e Dil is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kinds of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books, and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get them delivered to your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now. - Sale!
Hama Yaaran Dozakh By Siddique Salik
Hama Yaaran Dozakh By Siddique Salik is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kinds of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books, and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get them delivered to your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now. - Sale!
Hamnet By Maggie O'Farrell
Hamnet By Maggie O'Farrell is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kinds of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books, and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get them delivered to your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now. - Sale!
Handbook of Research in Marine Pharmaceutics: Exploring Oceanic Microbial Diversity for Human Health and Wellness
In response to the pharmaceutical industry’s growing need for new chemicals for drug development, researchers are looking at marine sources for novel bioactive natural products. Oceans are packed with bioactive secondary metabolites, drawing the attention of many scientists across the globe.This new book, Handbook of Research in Marine Pharmaceutics: Exploring Oceanic Microbial Diversity for Human Health and Wellness, presents a range of novel antibacterial, antiviral, and anticancer chemicals identified from marine sources, along with their potential applications in drugs for the eradication and treatment of diseases. The book covers topics such as the use of marine polysaccharides, marine biopolymers, algae and macroalgae, etc., in new drug development. The authors explore the development of cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals from the sea as well as the medicinal qualities of cyanobacteria in drug delivery and new drug development. The volume provides an important resource that details the chemical characteristics that are helpful in identifying new uses of marine natural products for new drugs.Key features:- Provides an informative analysis of the global marine-derived drug industry and market
- Presents the chemical characteristics that are helpful in identifying new uses of marine natural products for new drugs.
- Discusses recent advances in extraction and separation methods of marine natural products for drug discovery
- Reviews marine therapeutics with special attention to anti-cancer, antiviral, antimalarial, and anti-HIV traits
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Happy Place By Emily Henry
Happy Place By Emily Henry is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kinds of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books, and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get them delivered to your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now. - Sale!
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets By Rowling J.K.
Harry Potter can’t wait for his holidays with the dire Dursleys to end. But a small, self-punishing house-elf warns Harry of mortal danger awaiting him at Hogwarts. Returning to the castle nevertheless, Harry hears a rumour about a Chamber of Secrets, holding unknown horrors for wizards of Muggle parentage. Now someone is casting spells that turn people to stone, and a terrible warning is found painted on the wall. The chief suspect – always in the wrong place – is Harry. But something much more terrifying has yet to be unleashed. These new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by Jonny Duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring Harry Potter to the next generation of readers. It’s time to PASS THE MAGIC ON …Product details
- Publisher : Bloomsbury (March 1, 2016)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 374 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1408855666
- ISBN-13 : 978-1408855669
- Reading age : 8+ years, from customers
- Item Weight : 11.1 ounces
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by Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kinds of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books, and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get them delivered to your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now.
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows By J. K. Rowling
Readers beware. The brilliant, breathtaking conclusion to J.K. Rowling's spellbinding series is not for the faint of heart--such revelations, battles, and betrayals await in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that no fan will make it to the end unscathed. Luckily, Rowling has prepped loyal readers for the end of her series by doling out increasingly dark and dangerous tales of magic and mystery, shot through with lessons about honor and contempt, love and loss, and right and wrong. Fear not, you will find no spoilers in our review--to tell the plot would ruin the journey, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is an odyssey the likes of which Rowling's fans have not yet seen, and are not likely to forget. But we would be remiss if we did not offer one small suggestion before you embark on your final adventure with Harry--bring plenty of tissues.The heart of Book 7 is a hero's mission--not just in Harry's quest for the Horcruxes, but in his journey from boy to man--and Harry faces more danger than that found in all six books combined, from the direct threat of the Death Eaters and you-know-who, to the subtle perils of losing faith in himself. Attentive readers would do well to remember Dumbledore's warning about making the choice between "what is right and what is easy," and know that Rowling applies the same difficult principle to the conclusion of her series. While fans will find the answers to hotly speculated questions about Dumbledore, Snape, and you-know-who, it is a testament to Rowling's skill as a storyteller that even the most astute and careful reader will be taken by surprise.Product details
- Publisher : Scholastic Inc. (July 1, 2009)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 784 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0545139708
- ISBN-13 : 978-1338878981
- Reading age : 8+ years, from customers
- Lexile measure : 880L
- Grade level : 4 - 7
- Item Weight : 1.15 pounds
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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire By J. K. Rowling
The paperback edition of the legendary, record-breaking, best-selling fourth Harry Potter novel. Harry Potter is midway through his training as a wizard and his coming of age. Harry wants to get away from the pernicious Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup. He wants to find out about the mysterious event that's supposed to take place at Hogwarts this year, an event involving two other rival schools of magic, and a competition that hasn't happened for a hundred years. He wants to be a normal, fourteen-year-old wizard. But unfortunately for Harry Potter, he's not normal - even by wizarding standards. And in his case, different can be deadly.Product details
- ASIN : 0439139600
- Publisher : Scholastic Paperbacks (September 1, 2002)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 752 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1338878956
- ISBN-13 : 978-1338878950
- Reading age : 8+ years, from customers
- Lexile measure : 880L
- Grade level : 4 - 7
- Item Weight : 1.1 pounds
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Harry Potter and the Half By J. K. Rowling
Product details
- Publisher : Arthur A. Levine Books (August 1, 2005)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 672 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0439784549
- ISBN-13 : 978-0439784542
- Reading age : 9+ years, from customers
- Lexile measure : 920L
- Grade level : 4 - 7
- Item Weight : 2.2 pounds
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix By J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix By J. K. Rowling is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kinds of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books, and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get them delivered to your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now. - Sale!
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix By J. K. Rowling
The next volume in the thrilling, moving, bestselling Harry Potter series will reach readers June 21, 2003 -- and it's been worth the wait!Product details
- ASIN : 043935806X
- Publisher : Arthur A. Levine Books; First Edition (July 1, 2003)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 896 pages
- ISBN-10 : 9780439358064
- ISBN-13 : 978-0439358064
- Reading age : 9+ years, from customers
- Lexile measure : 950L
- Grade level : 4 - 7
- Item Weight : 2.65 pounds
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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone By J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone By J. K. Rowling is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kinds of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books, and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get them delivered to your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now. - Sale!
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban By J.K. Rowling
For twelve long years, the dread fortress of Azkaban held an infamous prisoner named Sirius Black. Convicted of killing thirteen people with a single curse, he was said to be the heir apparent to the Dark Lord, Voldemort.Now he has escaped, leaving only two clues as to where he might be headed: Harry Potter's defeat of You-Know-Who was Black's downfall as well. And the Azkaban guards heard Black muttering in his sleep, "He's at Hogwarts . . . he's at Hogwarts."Harry Potter isn't safe, not even within the walls of his magical school, surrounded by his friends. Because on top of it all, there may well be a traitor in their midst.Product details
- Publisher : Scholastic; First Edition (October 1, 1999)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 435 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0439136350
- ISBN-13 : 978-0439136358
- Reading age : 8+ years, from customers
- Lexile measure : 880L
- Grade level : 4 - 7
- Item Weight : 2.05 pounds
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by Umera AhmadHasil (English: Reward) highlights the relevance of religion in a Muslim’s life. It helps the reader explore the strength inherent in an individual’s determination in seeking divine help against enormous obstacles.Hasil by Umera Ahmad is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kind of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get it delivered at your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now. - Sale!
Haunting Adeline By H. D. Calton
Haunting Adeline: I can manipulate the emotions of anyone who lets me. I will make you hurt, make you cry, make you laugh and sigh. But my words don't affect him. Especially not when I plead for him to leave. He's always there, watching and waiting. And I can never look away. Not when I want him to come closer.- The Shadow
Product details
Haunting Adeline By H. D. Calton is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kinds of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books, and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get them delivered to your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now.- Publisher : Independently published (August 13, 2021)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 607 pages
- ISBN-10 : B09CGGV8DX
- ISBN-13 : 979-8454848842
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Haunting Adeline: Cat and Mouse Duet, Book 1
Audible Audiobook – Unabridged
The ManipulatorI can manipulate the emotions of anyone who lets me.I will make you hurt, make you cry, make you laugh and sigh.But my words don't affect him. Especially not when I plead for him to leave.He's always there, watching and waiting.And I can never look away.Not when I want him to come closer.The ShadowI didn't mean to fall in love.But now that I have, I can't stay away.I'm mesmerized by her smile, by her eyes, and the way she moves.The way she undresses...I'll keep watching and waiting. Until I can make her mine.And once she is, I'll never let her go.Not even when she begs me to.While not required, it is highly suggested to listen to the novella Satan's Affair first.Author's Note: This book ends on a cliff-hanger. For CWs, please check the author's website.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed
Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kinds of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books, and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get them delivered to your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now. - Sale!
Healing the Emptiness By Yasmin Mogahed
At some level, so many of us have experienced emptiness. But very few people know why. And even fewer people know how to fill that emptiness. But we spend our lives trying...As flawed human beings, we so often cringe at our humanness. We try eveything to erase it. We look for any way to hide from our wounds and to numb the pain. But what if we didn't have to hide? What if our wound became the door to a deeper understanding of ourselves and God? What if every wound served a purpose and the process of healing made us stronger?This life and our entire journey here, is not an end in itself. It is a purposeful process, designed by God to shape our hearts. To prepare our souls for the Final Meeting with Him. We must allow the process to refine and remake us. And our wounds are a part of that process. It will hurt. It will seem like the end so many times. But it is not the end. Our journey will keep going and we can rise out of our pain, stronger. And then in the End, it won't be how we walked in the sun-but how we handled the storm-that will define us. It won't be about how we ran.It will be about how we fell, and then got back up. This book is about finding strength in God and in our capacity to be both human and beautiful--both flawed and inspired. It is a journey to the understanding that we are flawed by design so that we can find strength and beauty in relying entirely on the Flawless. This book is about learning why we suffer and how to stop our pain from destroying us. It is a spiritual and psychological manual for healing and growth through our pain. It is about finding peace and purpose, no matter what we've been through.We live in a world where the moment we feel pain, we find ourselves surrounded by countless sedatives, promising to take it away. Sex, drugs, alcohol, materialism, consumerism are some of the many escapes we use to distract ourselves from what hurts in our lives. And some of us use other sedatives. Some of us try to lose ourselves in our work and our careers. Some people try to fill the void by "living online". We disengage from our real life and our real relationships in order to hide in a false social media world, or in our devices and technology. We become dependent upon the immediate and temporary dopamine rush of social approval. We begin to covet likes and followers and share intimate aspects of our lives in the public sphere, waiting for commentary and praise. Waiting to be seen--even if it's by perfect strangers.And yet all along, we only become more empty and even more isolated.In order to thrive in this life and the next, we must have an understanding of healing. The first step in healing must be diagnosing the root cause of our pain. The second step is removing the barriers to healing. The third step is treating the wound with the necessary medicine. And finally we must keep the wound clean by ensuring our environment is not toxic.Product details
- Publisher : Idify Publishing (April 9, 2022)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 242 pages
- ISBN-13 : 979-8985291810
- Item Weight : 11.6 ounces
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Health and Wellness in People Living with Serious Mental Illness
This book examines health and wellness concerns of people with mental illness, as well as possible solutions to these concerns. Through case vignettes, the book delves into challenges of health and wellness for people with mental illness, summarizing the research on mortality and morbidity in this group.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days. - Sale!
Healthy Teachers, Happy Classrooms: Twelve Brain-Based Principles to Avoid Burnout, Increase Optimism, and Support Physical Well-Being (Manage stress and increase your health, wellness, and efficacy)
Bestselling author Dr. Marcia L. Tate delivers 12 brain-based principles for avoiding teacher burnout and increasing health and wellness for teachers. These research-backed strategies will help you thrive personally and professionally. Each chapter digs into the benefits of these self-care and stress management tips and offers suggestions for bringing the practice to life in your classroom.Avoid burnout with these self-care tips for teachers and other educators:- Understand the root causes and symptoms of educator and teacher stress, overwhelm, and burnout.
- Learn practical strategies proven to help you live better, live longer, and become a better teacher.
- Integrate wellness principles and coping strategies into your daily life so you feel rejuvenated and ready to serve others.
- Translate your wellness to the classroom, creating happy, ready-to-learn students.
- Maintain a lifestyle of happiness and health for long-term success.
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Heart Bones By Colleen Hoover
Life and a dismal last name are the only two things Beyah Grim's parents ever gave her. After carving her path all on her own, Beyah is well on her way to bigger and better things, thanks to no one but herself. With only two short months separating her from the future she's built and the past she desperately wants to leave behind, an unexpected death leaves Beyah with no place to go during the interim. Forced to reach out to her last resort, Beyah has to spend the remainder of her summer on a peninsula in Texas with a father she barely knows. Beyah's plan is to keep her head down and let the summer slip by seamlessly, but her new neighbor Samson throws a wrench in that plan. Samson and Beyah have nothing in common on the surface. She comes from a life of poverty and neglect; he comes from a family of wealth and privilege. But one thing they do have in common is that they're both drawn to sad things. Which means they're drawn to each other. With an almost immediate connection too intense for them to continue denying, Beyah and Samson agree to stay in the shallow end of a summer fling. What Beyah doesn't realize is that a rip current is coming, and it's about to drag her heart out to sea. "This book deserves a whole galaxy of stars, but alas, five is all I can give." -Shades of RebeccaProduct details
- Publisher : Independently published (August 24, 2020)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 336 pages
- ISBN-10 : 8671981746
- ISBN-13 : 979-8671981742
- Item Weight : 14.4 ounces
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Heartless By Elsie Silver
rough around the edges. But broad-shouldered ranchers with calloused hands and filthy mouths are this city girl’s kryptonite. So who am I to resist?But it’s in our quiet moments together that he softens. It’s when he takes care of me that I realize his hardened exterior is just a façade. It’s when I watch him go all sweet with his little boy that I really fall for him.Someone convinced him once that his best wasn’t good enough. But I’ve never felt more cherished than I do in his arms.My contract may say this arrangement is only for two months.But my heart says this is forever.Product details
Heartless By Elsie Silver is now available at Books Hub Pakistan. We deal in all kinds of Urdu Novels, Poetry Books, and other Urdu reading books. Now you can order Urdu Books from Books Hub Pakistan and get them delivered to your doorstep all over Pakistan within 3 working days. Order Now.- Publisher : Piatkus (April 6, 2023)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 464 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0349437688
- ISBN-13 : 978-0349437682
- Item Weight : 11.3 ounces