Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine 24th EditionDavidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine 24th Edition by Ian D Penman BSc(Hons) MD FRCPE (Editor), Stuart H. Ralston MD FRCP FMedSci FRSE FFPM(Hon) (Editor), Mark W J Strachan BSc(Hons) MD FRCPE (Editor), Richard Hobson LLM PhD MRCP(UK) FRCPath (Editor) is an authoritative and comprehensive textbook that remains a cornerstone of medical education worldwide.This latest edition continues its tradition of excellence by offering an in-depth exploration of the fundamental principles and clinical practices of medicine. Aimed at medical students, healthcare professionals, and clinicians, this book serves as a reliable resource for understanding both the theoretical and practical aspects of medicine, providing essential knowledge for diagnosing and treating a wide array of diseases.