Mental Wellness A Holistic Approach to Mental Health and Healing by DK (2021)
This mental wellness book helps you manage stressful periods as well as other biological factors that impact your mental wellbeing. You’ll learn how to boost and holistically balance your mental state using natural remedies.Neal’s Yard Remedies: Mental Wellness is filled with holistic techniques, herbal remedies, essential oils, foods, exercise, lifestyle strategies, and therapies to empower you. This book offers:• The most comprehensive compendium of natural remedies for mental wellness on the market
• Chapters on herbal remedies, aromatherapy, foods (including supplements), movement, and alternative therapies
• A Symptom Checker which you can explore symptoms and access solutions in the book, based on your current need – jitteriness; anxiety attacks; acute stress; grief; low mood, etc
• Approaches and information endorsed by Neal’s Yard Remedies, world leaders in natural, organic, holistic health.This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days.