by SHENOY (Author)Arvind shenoy mds is currently a professor, department of conservative dentistry at bapuji dental college, davangere. Teaching is a passion for him and he has been teaching since 22 years with the prime goal of improving knowledge and clinical skills among practitioners. He has been a member, board of studies, rajiv gandhi university of health sciences. He is also a reviewer for journal of indian dental association, the journal of conservative dentistry, world dental journal and journal of contemporary dental practice. He has more than 50 publications to his credit in peer-reviewed journals as well as trade magazines and has authored chapters for two textbooks. He is very active on the lecture circuit and conducted more than 100 lectures and courses on esthetic dentistry and endodontics. K. Chandrasekharan nair mds is currently a professor, department of prosthodontics, aecs maaruti college of dental sciences and research, bangalore. He has been teaching since last 30 years with the prYou can buy this product at Books Hub PK Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.