Radiation Therapy for Sarcomas and Skin Cancers: A Practical Guide on Treatment Techniques (Practical Guides in Radiation Oncology) 1st ed


Radiation Therapy for Sarcomas and Skin Cancers: A Practical Guide on Treatment Techniques (Practical Guides in Radiation Oncology) 1st ed

This practical guide to the use of radiotherapy for the treatment of sarcomas and skin cancers covers a wide range of disease scenarios, identifying which treatment techniques are applicable in particular clinical circumstances. Among the conditions considered are extremity soft tissue sarcomas, retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcomas, bone sarcomas, uterine sarcomas, chordomas, pediatric sarcomas, squamous cell carcinomas, basal cell carcinomas, melanomas, Merkel cell carcinomas, and cutaneous lymphomas. Detailed attention is devoted to the issues and considerations of relevance in everyday practice when treating these diseases. The use of multiple radiotherapy techniques and procedures, including IMRT, brachytherapy, radiosurgery, and particle therapy, is fully explained, and the role of radiotherapy in combination with chemotherapy and emerging therapeutics such as immunotherapy and biologic anticancer agents is also addressed. The book will be of high value for practicing radiationoncologists, medical and surgical oncologists, medical physicists, medical dosimetrists, trainees, and other medical professionals.


Radiation Therapy for Sarcomas and Skin Cancers: A Practical Guide on Treatment Techniques (Practical Guides in Radiation Oncology) 1st ed

This practical guide to the use of radiotherapy for the treatment of sarcomas and skin cancers covers a wide range of disease scenarios, identifying which treatment techniques are applicable in particular clinical circumstances. Among the conditions considered are extremity soft tissue sarcomas, retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcomas, bone sarcomas, uterine sarcomas, chordomas, pediatric sarcomas, squamous cell carcinomas, basal cell carcinomas, melanomas, Merkel cell carcinomas, and cutaneous lymphomas. Detailed attention is devoted to the issues and considerations of relevance in everyday practice when treating these diseases. The use of multiple radiotherapy techniques and procedures, including IMRT, brachytherapy, radiosurgery, and particle therapy, is fully explained, and the role of radiotherapy in combination with chemotherapy and emerging therapeutics such as immunotherapy and biologic anticancer agents is also addressed. The book will be of high value for practicing radiationoncologists, medical and surgical oncologists, medical physicists, medical dosimetrists, trainees, and other medical professionals.

Radiation Therapy for Sarcomas and Skin Cancers: A Practical Guide on Treatment Techniques (Practical Guides in Radiation Oncology) 1st ed is available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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