The Cardiac Catheterization Handbook (Expert Consult) 5th Edition


The Cardiac Catheterization Handbook (Expert Consult) 5th Edition

by Morton J. Kern MD MSCAI FAHA FACC (Author)

This one-of-a-kind handbook again provides step-by-step instructions on what to expect, what to avoid, and how to manage complications in the cath lab, with valuable updates on safety requirements, new technology, and new techniques. It takes you through a detailed review of equipment, specific laboratory techniques, and lab safety, as well as the limitations, complications, and medical-surgical implications of cardiac catheterization and angiography findings. The book’s portable size make it the preferred pocket reference!Presents clear instructions on what to expect, what to avoid, and how to manage complications.Features a straightforward, easy-to-understand approach and a pocket-sized format that are ideal for reference by practitioners on the go.Covers all of the newest interventional techniques, including the use of drug-coated stents, carotid stenting, and renal stenting.Presents brand-new coverage of vascular closure devices and radia

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The Cardiac Catheterization Handbook (Expert Consult) 5th Edition

by Morton J. Kern MD MSCAI FAHA FACC (Author)

You can buy this product at books Hub PK books Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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