ADA Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines – 4th Edition
By Australian Dental Association
Summary of Key changes
The 4th edition of the ADA Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines incorporates the most recent published evidence and recommendations around Infection Prevention and
Control, it incorporates information from:
The CDNA 2018 Guidelines for the Management of Health Care Workers known to be Infected with BloodBorne Viruses. Includes updated definitions for exposure prone procedures.
The May 2019 NHMRC Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare (including bare below the elbow, surgical hand hygiene, and updates to the
national Hand Hygiene Initiative)
The latest versions of Australian Standards, including AS 4381:2015 Single-use face masks for use in health care (including the difference between level 1, 2 and 3 masks);
and AS 2773:2019 Ultrasonic cleaners
The 4th edition adheres to the principle of risk assessment and adapting the required protective and preventive measures.
Updates include:
Introducing key compliance points to outline critical points.
An expansion of the section on risk-based precautions.
An update to the section on PPE, including:
Hypoallergenic gloves.
Side protection on glasses.
Prescription lenses in protective eyewear.
Protective clothing:
Layering, protective options worn over street clothes.
Barriers Including:
Clarification around the role of TGA Essential Principles.
Manufacturer?s instructions.
Reinforcing the need to remove burs from handpieces and tips from ultrasonic scalers.
Highlighting the need to follow manufacturer?s instructions when sterilizing piezoelectric scalers.
Description of zones, the distribution of splatter contamination. and aerosols remaining in the air.
Discussion on a more structured approach to environmental cleaning including high touch surfaces.
Dental unit waterline testing and decontamination protocols.
Clarification on the use of single use items.
Discussion of situations where the use of orthophthalaldehyde (OPA) may be appropriate.
Provision of expanded information on the use of washer-disinfectors, soaking before cleaning and endotoxins in rinse water.
Permitting the use of specifically designed silicone rubber rings to identify instruments or instrument cassettes, that do not impede cleaning or sterilisation.
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