Genomics Personalized Medicine and Oral Disease
by Stephen T. Sonis DMD DMSc (Editor)
The objective of this book is to catalyze the application of genomics to the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases by comprehensively presenting focused discussions on the current state
of knowledge. The first section book provides basic information about genetics, genomics and personalized medicine and the informatical methods available to apply and organize genetic data
so that it has clinical relevance. Recognizing the genetic robustness of the oral cavity, the introductory section includes chapters on the oral micro biome and host genomics and response to
infectious agents. The next two sections contain chapters which describe the genomics of specific oral diseases and conditions, including the genetic basis for mechanism and risk of
treatment toxicities associated with cancer therapy and bisphosphonates. Four chapters focus on gene-based therapies and the pharmacogenomics applied to oral disease. The final chapter
presents a provocative summary which describes a comprehensive vision of the melding of genomics to personalized medicine and the potential actionable outcomes that will likely affect
clinical practice in the upcoming years.
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