Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of Dental Hygiene (MOSBY’S COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF DENTAL HYGIENE ( DARBY)) 7th Edition
Your one-stop review for the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination (NBDHE), Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of Dental Hygiene, 7th Edition is the most trusted review and study tool on the market. A total of 2,500 review questions including four online timed practice exams — all with answers and rationales for remediation — make this book stand out as a student favorite. Already known for its in-depth coverage, an easy-to-use outline format, and expert authorship, this review parallels the NBDHE with case studies, the “testlet” format for community health and research content, an emphasis on computer-based testing, and coverage of dynamic areas such as infection control and local anesthesia administration. Expert author Michele Darby provides the NBDHE review tool you cannot afford to be without!
- A comprehensive review includes all the necessary content for the NBDHE, with 2,500 review questions including four simulated exams.
- A logical organization covers the three main areas of the NBDHE: (1) the scientific basis for dental hygiene practice, (2) the provision of clinical dental hygiene services, and (3) community health and research principles.
- NBDHE-style review questions offer practice and self-assessment relating to key content.
- A new 350-question examination complete with Components A and B mimics the format of the NBDHE and is included in the back of the book and on the companion Evolve website; it provides answers, rationales, and a timer function.
- Three additional timed simulated practice examinations are provided on the companion website for additional test-taking experience.
- Case-based questions prepare you for the case studies and scenarios emphasized on the NBDHE.
- An outline format allows for easy review and study.
- Illustrations, diagrams, clinical photographs, and radiographs help in recognizing suspected pathologic processes and interpreting radiographs.
- Tables and boxes summarize concepts and procedures.
- Unique! Website tables in each chapter provide a quick reference to key sites for further research and study.
- Expert authors are leading educators, researchers, and practitioners, each of whom has an in-depth knowledge of what it takes to succeed on the NBDHE.
- 1,450 NEW practice questions are added to this edition for a more complete review.
- Updated content reflects changes and advances in areas such as infection control, pharmacology, digital imaging, and local anesthesia administration.
- Expanded case studies promote critical thinking and provide practice with the complex cases that make up Component B of the examination.
- NEW full-color photographs, illustrations, and radiographs accurately represent dental conditions.
- Labeling and identification exercises are included, with electronic flashcards for added vocabulary practice.
You can buy this product at books Hub PK for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
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