Examination Review for Ultrasound: SPI: Sonographic Principles & Instrumentation 2nd Edition


Examination Review for Ultrasound: SPI: Sonographic Principles & Instrumentation 2nd Edition

This updated 2nd Edition of Examination Review for Ultrasound: Sonographic Principles & Instrumentation helps students prepare for—and excel on— the Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) certification examination offered by the ARDMS. Taking a concise, narrative approach, this proven resource aligns with the SPI revised content outline and format. An online exam simulator with registry-style questions makes it easy to create mock exams that allow unlimited practice.
eBook AVAILABLE. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.
NEW! MORE EXTENSIVE REVIEW: 50 review questions in each chapter, and 120 registry exam review questions at the back of the book—help students identify strengths and overcome weaknesses so they are fully prepared on exam day.
NEW! FULL ALIGNMENT WITH THE SPI REVISED CONTENT OUTLINE: To achieve alignment, many topics have been added or enhanced, including patient care, bioeffects, Doppler artifacts, cardiac strain and strain rate, elastography, and ergonomics.
NEW! Prep for semi-interactive console questionS: 20 new questions with photos prepare students for the semi-interactive console questions that are often a stumbling block on the ARDMS SPI exam.
FREE ONLINE EXAM SIMULATOR: Sophisticated mock exam simulator customizable to the SPI certification exam familiarizes students with registry testing format and style.
ENHANCED HIGH-QUALITY IMAGES: More than 230 sonographic images and diagrams—many new to this edition—increase student understanding of anatomy and the physiologic principles crucial to good sonographic practice.
COMPREHENSIVE: A 120-question registry review exam at the end of the book allows students to gauge their understanding of key topics.

Examination Review for Ultrasound: SPI: Sonographic Principles & Instrumentation 2nd Edition is  available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.


Examination Review for Ultrasound: SPI: Sonographic Principles & Instrumentation 2nd Edition

This updated 2nd Edition of Examination Review for Ultrasound: Sonographic Principles & Instrumentation helps students prepare for—and excel on— the Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) certification examination offered by the ARDMS. Taking a concise, narrative approach, this proven resource aligns with the SPI revised content outline and format. An online exam simulator with registry-style questions makes it easy to create mock exams that allow unlimited practice.
eBook AVAILABLE. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.
NEW! MORE EXTENSIVE REVIEW: 50 review questions in each chapter, and 120 registry exam review questions at the back of the book—help students identify strengths and overcome weaknesses so they are fully prepared on exam day.
NEW! FULL ALIGNMENT WITH THE SPI REVISED CONTENT OUTLINE: To achieve alignment, many topics have been added or enhanced, including patient care, bioeffects, Doppler artifacts, cardiac strain and strain rate, elastography, and ergonomics.
NEW! Prep for semi-interactive console questionS: 20 new questions with photos prepare students for the semi-interactive console questions that are often a stumbling block on the ARDMS SPI exam.
FREE ONLINE EXAM SIMULATOR: Sophisticated mock exam simulator customizable to the SPI certification exam familiarizes students with registry testing format and style.
ENHANCED HIGH-QUALITY IMAGES: More than 230 sonographic images and diagrams—many new to this edition—increase student understanding of anatomy and the physiologic principles crucial to good sonographic practice.
COMPREHENSIVE: A 120-question registry review exam at the end of the book allows students to gauge their understanding of key topics.

Examination Review for Ultrasound: SPI: Sonographic Principles & Instrumentation 2nd Edition is available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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