Manual to Veterinary Video-Oto-Endoscopy: Use and Utility in Canine and Feline Ear Diseases


Manual to Veterinary Video-Oto-Endoscopy: Use and Utility in Canine and Feline Ear Diseases

This atlas provides a step-by-step manual in using the video-oto-endoscope (VOE) as a tool to study ear diseases in cats and dogs. Illustrated by numerous high-resolution images and case studies, the book explains in a highly accessible manner when and how to use VOE. It teaches how to differ between a normal and a pathological animal ear and guides the reader in diagnosing a particular disease. The book’s main section provides in-depth information on causes, clinical picture, and imaging of ear diseases such as acute otitis externa, chronic otitis externa, and otitis media in small animals. Moreover, the atlas introduces technical fundamentals of the instrument and gives tips for its correct handling and cleaning. Further, readers are instructed on how to best prepare the animal patient for examination by VOE.

The atlas addresses veterinary practitioners and veterinary technicians who are interested in performing otological examinations in cats and dogs.

Manual to Veterinary Video-Oto-Endoscopy: Use and Utility in Canine and Feline Ear Diseases is available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind  of medical books are available.


Manual to Veterinary Video-Oto-Endoscopy: Use and Utility in Canine and Feline Ear Diseases

This atlas provides a step-by-step manual in using the video-oto-endoscope (VOE) as a tool to study ear diseases in cats and dogs. Illustrated by numerous high-resolution images and case studies, the book explains in a highly accessible manner when and how to use VOE. It teaches how to differ between a normal and a pathological animal ear and guides the reader in diagnosing a particular disease. The book’s main section provides in-depth information on causes, clinical picture, and imaging of ear diseases such as acute otitis externa, chronic otitis externa, and otitis media in small animals. Moreover, the atlas introduces technical fundamentals of the instrument and gives tips for its correct handling and cleaning. Further, readers are instructed on how to best prepare the animal patient for examination by VOE.

The atlas addresses veterinary practitioners and veterinary technicians who are interested in performing otological examinations in cats and dogs.

Manual to Veterinary Video-Oto-Endoscopy: Use and Utility in Canine and Feline Ear Diseases is available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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Colour Matt Finish, Black & white


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