Case History and Data Interpretation in Medical Practice 3rd Edition


Case History and Data Interpretation in Medical Practice 3rd Edition

by A. B. M. Abdullah (Author)

A unique book for mastering the skills of interpreting various types of data in clinical medicine Useful for postgraduate students to practice and assess their competency in
interpreting clinical scenarios Contains 333 case histories and clinical data, 26 spirometry tracings, 14 family trees, 16 data on cardiac catheterization and 171 clinical
pictures Relevant clinical information regarding a disease condition have been provided in answers section to help students get a complete idea about the disease without
going through voluminous textbooks Helpful for teachers and busy practitioners to quickly refresh their memory More than enough information for undergraduates and interns

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Case History and Data Interpretation in Medical Practice 3rd Edition

by A. B. M. Abdullah (Author)

You can buy this product at books Hub PK books Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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