Technological Advances in Care of Patients with Kidney Diseases 1st ed


Technological Advances in Care of Patients with Kidney Diseases 1st ed

The book explores how kidney disease care is being changed by new technologies, from inception and diagnosis to dialysis and kidney transplant. Massive technological advances have affected health care in the past decade, and doctors are moving quickly to change the way we provide care for kidney diseases. We are rapidly shifting from hospital- and clinic-based systems to providing care at home, with technologies that help monitor care and intervene remotely. Some of the technologies covered include genetic testing for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, metabolism/ezposome assessment, AI-driven tool for drug dosing, and apps available to patients. This book aims to educate providers on the many new scientific and technological interventions that can help monitor and mitigate kidney disease.

Technological Advances in Care of Patients with Kidney Diseases 1st ed is available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind  of medical books are available.


Technological Advances in Care of Patients with Kidney Diseases 1st ed

The book explores how kidney disease care is being changed by new technologies, from inception and diagnosis to dialysis and kidney transplant. Massive technological advances have affected health care in the past decade, and doctors are moving quickly to change the way we provide care for kidney diseases. We are rapidly shifting from hospital- and clinic-based systems to providing care at home, with technologies that help monitor care and intervene remotely. Some of the technologies covered include genetic testing for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, metabolism/ezposome assessment, AI-driven tool for drug dosing, and apps available to patients. This book aims to educate providers on the many new scientific and technological interventions that can help monitor and mitigate kidney disease.

Technological Advances in Care of Patients with Kidney Diseases 1st ed is available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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Colour Matt Finish, Black & white


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