An Introduction to Chemistry 1st Edition


An Introduction to Chemistry 1st Edition

by Mark Bishop (Author)

This book teaches chemistry at an appropriate level of rigor while removing the confusion and insecurity that impairs success. Prep chem frequently intimidates people;
Bishop’s text shows them how to break the material down and master it. The system of objectives tells readers exactly what they must learn in each chapter and where to find
it. The text and superb illustrations provide a solid conceptual framework and address misconceptions. From that basis, readers learn to strategize problems and solve them
in logical steps. The Examples and Exercises give plenty of confidence-building practice; the end-of-chapter problems test the reader’s mastery. For college instructors and

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An Introduction to Chemistry 1st Edition

by Mark Bishop (Author)

You can buy this product at Books Hub PK Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.


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