Medical Retina (ESASO Course Series Book 1) 1st Edition


Medical Retina (ESASO Course Series Book 1) 1st Edition

by F. Bandello (Editor), G. Querques (Editor)

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by F. Bandello (Editor), G. Querques (Editor)

In the new book series ESASO Course Series, the essentials of the courses of the European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology (ESASO) are made available to interested ophthalmologists, optometrists, technicians and residents all over the world. In this first volume, the seminars on retina presented by renowned experts during ESASO?s activities are collected. The authors have incorporated their personal experience and full teaching acumen in their respective chapters. The topics range from molecular biology, to state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques and the newest medical treatment options.This book provides the ophthalmologist with the most recent data and evidence-based medicine on medical retina, and includes multiple areas still under debate. Because of its highly specific and updated information, focusing on the pathogenesis and management of retinal diseases, this publication is a must to all retina specialists.

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