Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 3rd Edition


Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 3rd Edition

by Philip Wiffen (Editor), Marc Mitchell (Editor), Melanie Snelling (Editor), Nicola Stoner (Editor)

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by Philip Wiffen (Editor), Marc Mitchell (Editor), Melanie Snelling (Editor), Nicola Stoner (Editor)

Complementing the guidelines in the British National Formulary, the third edition of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy remains the indispensable guide to clinical
pharmacy, providing all the information needed for practising and student pharmacists. It presents handy practical guidance in a quick-reference, bullet-point format to give
the reader the knowledge and confidence needed to provide a clinical pharmacy service.

Including key information on controlled drugs, adverse drug reactions, interactions, communication skills, and confidentiality, this extensively revised addition to the
bestselling Oxford Handbook series is the fundamental pharmacy reference tool. It features chapters on adherence, anaphylaxis, clinical trials, herbal medicines, palliative
care, patient management, pharmaceutical calculations, research, policy, and therapy related issues.

Thoroughly revised and updated, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy includes brand new topics, including content on health coaching, residency and on-call, HIV and TB and
mental health.

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