Oral Microbiology 6th Edition
by Philip D. Marsh BSc PhD (Author), Michael A. O. Lewis PhD BDS FDSRCPS FDSRCS (Ed and Eng) FRCPath FHEA FFGDP(UK) (Author), Helen Rogers MB ChB BDS BSc MFDS FDS (OMed) RCS
Eng (Author), David Williams BSc (Hons) PhD (Author), Melanie Wilson BSc (Hons) BDS PhD FDSRCS FRCPath (Author)
New edition of a highly popular textbook on oral microbiology suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate dental students, research workers, and a wide range of clinical
dental professionals
Successfully describes the complex relationship between the resident oral microbiota and the host in health and disease
Retains a unique ecological approach to the subject which provides a clear set of principles to explain whether the microbiota will have a beneficial or an adverse
relationship with the host at a particular site
Exploration of the biological and clinical significance of the oral microbiota in the form of a biofilm on dental and mucosal surfaces
Completely updated throughout by a new author team!
Self-assessment questions in each chapter allow readers to monitor their progress
Updated design with ?Key Points? throughout aids learning
Reflects the impact that the genomic era has had on the field
Expanded sections on infection control as well as therapeutic and prophylactic antibiotic use
New sections on the benefits of the resident oral microbiota and on current concepts of factors driving dysbiosis in periodontal disease
New chapter on the emerging role of oral microorganisms in systemic diseases
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