Get Through MRCPsych CASC: MRCPsych CASC 1st Edition


Get Through MRCPsych CASC: MRCPsych CASC 1st Edition

by Basant K. Puri (Author), Melvyn Zhang Weibin (Author), Cyrus Ho (Author), Roger Ho (Author)

This book is intended for psychiatric trainees sitting the CASC component of the MRCPsych exam. Written by authors with recent exam experience and long-term expertise in the
field, the text provides 175 stations closely matched to the subjects that appear in the actual exam, along with concise synopses and guidelines for how to target your
revision to enable recall of the most relevant information.

You can buy this product at Books Hub PK Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.



Get Through MRCPsych CASC: MRCPsych CASC 1st Edition

by Basant K. Puri (Author), Melvyn Zhang Weibin (Author), Cyrus Ho (Author), Roger Ho (Author)

This book is intended for psychiatric trainees sitting the CASC component of the MRCPsych exam. Written by authors with recent exam experience and long-term expertise in the
field, the text provides 175 stations closely matched to the subjects that appear in the actual exam, along with concise synopses and guidelines for how to target your
revision to enable recall of the most relevant information.

You can buy this product at Books Hub PK Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.


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