Basic Science for the MRCS: A Revision Guide for Surgical Trainees


Basic Science for the MRCS: A Revision Guide for Surgical Trainees

By Andrew T. Raftery, Michael S. Delbridge, Helen E. Douglas

The book covers in one volume all the essentials of the basic sciences – anatomy, physiology and pathology – to aid the candidate for the MRCS examination.
In covering the applied basic science the books explains the application and clinical relevance of the three sciences
The text is written in an appropriate ‘bullet-point’ style to allow easy reading and rapid exam preparation
The contents concentrate on the recurring common themes of the examination, thus helping direct appropriate learning and focussing on the specific impoartnta areas of
The book is illustrated with line drawings which are clearly annotated to aid learning.
In this Second Edition, chapters have been updated and sections expanded to cover topics which are particularly relevant to examinations. The microbiology chapter has been
rewritten, and the section on skin healing has also been extensively rewritten to include a section on burns, skin grafting and the anatomy of flaps. Each chapter has new
OSCE scenario questions added to bring together the basic science and its clinical application in OSCE examinations.

You can buy this product at books Hub PK books Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.


Basic Science for the MRCS: A Revision Guide for Surgical Trainees

By Andrew T. Raftery, Michael S. Delbridge, Helen E. Douglas

You can buy this product at books Hub PK books Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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