Neurosurgery The Essential Guide to the Oral and Clinical Neurosurgical Exam 1st Edition


Neurosurgery: The Essential Guide to the Oral and Clinical Neurosurgical Exam 1st Edition

by Vivian A. Elwell (Author), Ramez Kirollos (Author), Syed Al-Haddad (Author)

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by Vivian A. Elwell (Author), Ramez Kirollos (Author), Syed Al-Haddad (Author)

Neurosurgery: The Essential Guide to the Oral and Clinical Neurosurgical Examination is the first book of its kind to cover the International and Intercollegiate FRCS
Specialty Examination in Neurosurgery. It will also help you prepare for the American Board of Neurological Surgery (ABNS) examination and other neurosurgical examinations
around the world. Written by neurosurgeons, this book is a hands-on guide that translates basic science and theories of neurosurgery into clinical practice. This comprehensive
resource takes a standardized and logical approach to the clinical neurosurgical examination. Based on the authors? own clinical practice, teaching and examination
experiences, this book provides candidates with a firm grasp of neuroscience and the ability to solve problems under pressure.

Scenario- and patient-based, the book covers history-taking, clinical examination, differential diagnosis, investigations, management, treatment options and potential
complications. The text is based on the Royal College of Surgeons of England and U.S. board syllabuses. In addition to serving as a reliable preparation resource for the
neurosurgical examination, it will also be invaluable in your future surgical practice.

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