Cancer Principles and Practice of Oncology: Handbook of Clinical Cancer Genetics 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
This practical, user-friendly guidebook will allow the clinician to search under disease site for the hereditary cancer syndromes relevant for his/her patient’s cancer. For example, a gynecologist oncologist whose patient has ovarian cancer can turn to the Ovary chapter and quickly read a summary of all of the hereditary cancer syndromes that include ovarian cancer. She can learn the questions she should be asking when expanding that patient’s personal and family history, which genes are most relevant, whether to refer that patient on for genetic counseling and testing, and how to manage that patient long-term if the patient is mutation positive or negative. The same holds true for the practicing oncologist, surgeon, urologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, primary care physician, physician’s assistant, advanced practice nurse and any other clinician seeing a patient who has had cancer. This guidebook also contains an overview article on genetic counseling and testing and several in depth articles on issues that are up and coming in the field of hereditary cancer.
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