Bacterial Plant Pathology: Cell and Molecular Aspects


Bacterial Plant Pathology: Cell and Molecular Aspects

Bringing together bacterial structure and function, taxonomy, environmental microbiology, induction and development of plant disease, molecular genetics and disease control, Dr Sigee unifies the field, at the same time as emphasising exciting developments in cell and molecular biology. The book is written in a clear and concise manner, illustrated with numerous tables, diagrams and photographs.


Bacterial Plant Pathology: Cell and Molecular Aspects

Bringing together bacterial structure and function, taxonomy, environmental microbiology, induction and development of plant disease, molecular genetics and disease control, Dr Sigee unifies the field, at the same time as emphasising exciting developments in cell and molecular biology. The book is written in a clear and concise manner, illustrated with numerous tables, diagrams and photographs.

Bacterial Plant Pathology: Cell and Molecular Aspects is available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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