Pathology of the Head and Neck


Pathology of the Head and Neck

Head and neck pathology is increasingly becoming an attractive field for the new generations of pathologists, fully aware that in the era of specialization the information contained in the
treatise of general surgical pathology, although extremely valuable to create the basis of their knowledge, does not provide in its full picture the specific knowledge required to meet
current diagnostic and prognostic requirements. The book Pathology of the Head and Neck presents in a single volume the most pertinent and updated information needed by the interested
readers. Its contents have been divided into ten chapters. The first one covers the spectrum of precursor and neoplastic lesions of the squamous epithelium. It is followed by chapters
devoted to nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, maxillofacial skeleton and teeth, salivary glands, nasopharynx and Waldeyer`s ring, larynx and hypopharynx, ear and temporal
bone, neck and neck dissection, as well as eye and ocular adnexa. The authors of the different chapters have been selected among internationally recognized experts, all of them members of
the Working Group on Head and Neck Pathology of the European Society of Pathology.
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Pathology of the Head and Neck

Head and neck pathology is increasingly becoming an attractive field for the new generations of pathologists, fully aware that in the era of specialization the information contained in the
treatise of general surgical pathology, although extremely valuable to create the basis of their knowledge, does not provide in its full picture the specific knowledge required to meet
current diagnostic and prognostic requirements. The book Pathology of the Head and Neck presents in a single volume the most pertinent and updated information needed by the interested
readers. Its contents have been divided into ten chapters. The first one covers the spectrum of precursor and neoplastic lesions of the squamous epithelium. It is followed by chapters
devoted to nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, maxillofacial skeleton and teeth, salivary glands, nasopharynx and Waldeyer`s ring, larynx and hypopharynx, ear and temporal
bone, neck and neck dissection, as well as eye and ocular adnexa. The authors of the different chapters have been selected among internationally recognized experts, all of them members of
the Working Group on Head and Neck Pathology of the European Society of Pathology.

Pathology of the Head and Neck is available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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