2022 PREP Self-Assessment


2022 PREP Self-Assessment

American Academy of Pediatrics

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American Academy of Pediatrics

PREP Self-Assessment is a general pediatrics review program written by experts and trusted by pediatricians for 40 years. It helps you identify your areas of strength and provides practical, clinical content in the form of case-based questions and critiques. Also includes practice test features, enhanced performance results and flashcards to focus your studies.


A subscription to PREP Self-Assessment, online and print, includes:

PREP Self-Assessment with 240 questions & critiques (print book)
Online access to PREP Self-Assessment questions & critiques
MOC & CME Credit

Featuring online tools designed to provide an active, easy to use learning experience including

Flash cards- quickly review PREP Pearls at a glance and retain the most sallient points.
Like/Share Content feature- You can like and share PREP questions that are relevant to issues recently discussed or encountered in practice.
Confidence ratings allows you to create reports by confidence category or by one of the 36 major specialties
PREP Pearls summarize key practice points and reduce your final review time. You can use this as a review tool prior to exam or for concentrated areas of study.
Practice test and content mapping simulate timed exams based on MOCA-Peds learning objectives or subspecialty categories.
MOCA-Peds content dashboard: Points to 3 years of content that is relevant to the 2022 American Board of Pediatrics MOCA-Peds objectives.
Practice test module that gives access to bonus MOCA-Peds content and allows you to customize the allocated time per question.
Content search with robust topic search and bookmarking allowing you to quickly find the topics you need to refer back.
Email and Text message alerts deliver content to your phone or inbox on the schedule you choose, daily, weekly or monthly.
MOC points transfer to the ABP on completion

Customizable features for MOCA-Peds participants include:

Easily identify questions associated with MOCA-Peds learning objectives
Fully customizable timed practice test with bonus MOCA-Peds questions

Topics include:

Recognizing findings suggestive of non-accidental trauma
Encouraging appropriate and healthy physical activity for patients living with Marfan syndrome
Planning the diagnostic evaluation for a neonate with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
Recommending first-line treatment protocols for a patient with anorexia nervosa

You can buy this product at Books Hub PK Hub PK Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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