Pediatric Ethics: Theory and Practice (The International Library of Bioethics, 89) 1st ed


Pediatric Ethics: Theory and Practice (The International Library of Bioethics, 89) 1st ed

This book assists health care providers to understand the specific interplay of the roles and relationships currently forming the debates in pediatric clinical ethics. It builds on the fact that, unlike adult medical ethics, pediatric ethics begins within an acutely and powerfully experienced dynamic of patient-family-state-physician relationship. The book provides a unique perspective as it interacts with established approaches as well as recent developments in pediatric ethics theory, and then explores these developments further through cases. The book first focuses on setting the stage by introducing a theoretical framework and elaborating how pediatric ethics differ from non-pediatric ethics. It approaches different theoretical frameworks in a critical manner drawing on their strengths and weaknesses. It helps the reader in developing an ability to engage in ethical reasoning and moral deliberation in order to focus on the wellbeing of the child as the main participant in the ethical deliberation, as well as to be able to identify the child’s moral claims. The second section of the book focuses on the practical application of these theoretical frameworks and discusses specific areas pertaining to decision-making. These are: the critically ill child, new and enduring ethical controversies, and social justice at large, the latter of which includes looking at the child’s place in society, access to healthcare, social determinants of health, and vaccinations. With the dynamic changes and challenges pediatric care faces across the globe, as well as the changing face of new technologies, no professional working in the field of pediatrics can afford not to take due note of this resource

Pediatric Ethics: Theory and Practice (The International Library of Bioethics 89) 1st ed is available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.


Pediatric Ethics: Theory and Practice (The International Library of Bioethics, 89) 1st ed

Pediatric Ethics: Theory and Practice (The International Library of Bioethics 89) 1st ed is available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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