Practical Pediatric Therapy
Mohammed El-Naggar
Therapy or management means more than just prescribing medications.
It is a process of toal patient care that entails several aspects as drugs, diet, activity as well as the patient’s psychology.
Certainly, care of parents is an integral part of therapy.
Occasionally, kind explanation, continous support and reassurance are the main lines of therapy.
This book is essentially designed for general practioners and junior pediatricians and it provides the basic required knowlodge for those dealing with sick children.
In the first part of this book (Drug therapy), the essential pharmacological data of the commonly used drugs, indications for use, main side effects as well as the available preparations with their trade names are mentioned.
The emergency medications are gathered in the first few pages of this part to serve as quick guide in emergency situations.
In the second part pf the book (Practical management), the commonly encountered problems are discussed systematically according to the involved system, with several practical examples of management.
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