Hemodynamic Monitoring and Fluid Therapy during Surgery New Edition


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Hemodynamic Monitoring and Fluid Therapy during Surgery New Edition

Combining two successful texts, Clinical Fluid Therapy in the Perioperative Setting, 2nd edition and Perioperative Hemodynamic Monitoring and Goal Directed Therapy, this revised volume provides a guide to fluid management and hemodynamic therapy for the perioperative practitioner. The book begins with an up-to-date overview of the basics before then exploring most of the current and controversial topics within hemodynamic monitoring and fluid therapy. This is followed by a section on practical use which explores hemodynamic and fluid therapy in various types of surgery and patient conditions. The book closes with a discussion of the future concepts in fluid and hemodynamic therapy ranging from microcirculation, to closed-loop and mobiles technologies. With contributions from the world’s leading experts, chapters guide the reader in the application of fluid and hemodynamic therapy in all aspects of perioperative patient care. A valuable resource for those involved in perioperative patient management, including anaesthesiologists, intensivists, and surgeons.


Hemodynamic Monitoring and Fluid Therapy during Surgery New Edition

Combining two successful texts, Clinical Fluid Therapy in the Perioperative Setting, 2nd edition and Perioperative Hemodynamic Monitoring and Goal Directed Therapy, this revised volume provides a guide to fluid management and hemodynamic therapy for the perioperative practitioner. The book begins with an up-to-date overview of the basics before then exploring most of the current and controversial topics within hemodynamic monitoring and fluid therapy. This is followed by a section on practical use which explores hemodynamic and fluid therapy in various types of surgery and patient conditions. The book closes with a discussion of the future concepts in fluid and hemodynamic therapy ranging from microcirculation, to closed-loop and mobiles technologies. With contributions from the world’s leading experts, chapters guide the reader in the application of fluid and hemodynamic therapy in all aspects of perioperative patient care. A valuable resource for those involved in perioperative patient management, including anaesthesiologists, intensivists, and surgeons.

Hemodynamic Monitoring and Fluid Therapy during Surgery New Edition is available at Books Hub Pk for home delivery and Cash on delivery all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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