The Scientific Basis of Urology 3rd Edition


The Scientific Basis of Urology 3rd Edition

by Anthony R. Mundy (Editor), David E. Neal (Editor), Nicholas J. R. George (Editor), John Fitzpatrick (Editor)

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by Anthony R. Mundy (Editor), David E. Neal (Editor), Nicholas J. R. George (Editor), John Fitzpatrick (Editor)

Written specifically for urological trainees by a distinguished team of contributors, this third edition of The Scientific Basis of Urology provides the reader with a
thorough coverage of urology. Every area, function, illness and treatment of the urinary tract, along with specific discussions of the relevant anatomy and physiology, is
included in clearly written text, abundantly illustrated with full color photographs and diagrams. Each chapter takes the basic principles of its topic area and expands upon
them to ensure maximum understanding.

Entirely new chapters in the Third Edition:

Genetic and Biological Alterations in Cancer
The Scientific Basis of Male Hypogonadism
Minimally Invasive Technologies in the Treatment of Renal and Prostate Cancer
Preoperative Assessment

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