How to Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercise. Over 250 Ways : Learn About Foods that Burn Fat, Weight Loss Diets, Weight Loss Tips, Weight Loss Foods, … Lose Belly Fat (Health and Wellness Book 1)
If you struggle with emotional eating, stress eating, binge eating, or if you lose weight only to gain it all back, you might be approaching things with the wrong mindset. How to Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercise offers brain-based solutions and lifestyle redesign for dropping pounds and keeping them off with minimal effort.
Dr. Martinez’s program doesn’t involve unrealistic diets, plans, special foods, or even rigorous exercise protocols; instead, he uses a deep understanding of the brain and lifestyle redesign to get results. With strategies based on cutting-edge research on the dramatic benefits of lifestyle redesign and the formation of mini habits, this book, with a war chest of over 300 ways to help nurture your body, will help you lose unwanted weight.
Pick and choose from over 300 research-based simple strategies to fit your lifestyle and redesign your eating routine with nourishing foods and habits that will pave the way for a slimmer midsection, weight loss, and better overall health.
It’s not just about losing weight. More and more scientists have proven that even a few simple changes to your diet will transform your physique and give you a healthy body. Eating quenching foods will slow down aging, strengthen your immune system, improve weight loss, and gastrointestinal health, decrease allergies, and decrease your risk for cancer.
This book is available at Books Hub Pk. Order now and get home delivery all over Pakistan within 3 Working days.
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